7: Talks

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Santana's POV

"You wanted to talk?" Brittany looked worried as she shut the door of my room behind us.

"It's nothing bad," I quickly assured, my hands immediately finding themselves on her hips. She visibly relaxed, so I continued. "I wanted to talk about us in public. You know I'm not ready to come out or anything. And I don't want to put any labels. I don't even know if I'm g-ga-" I gulped, "gay."

"You don't have to worry, I can keep a secret. And you don't have to put any labels. I love you, you love me, and nothing else matters. But what about when school starts? You're going to have to keep your image up, so that means dating other guys..." Brittany trailed off, obviously disgusted by the thought.

"I won't date anyone," I promised. "But I don't know if I can tell the whole school."

"Well we don't have to tell," Brittany started. "It would be amazing to show off my incredibly hot girlfriend, but if you're not comfortable with it, then we can just pretend we're only friends."

She looked so upset when saying it that I felt a pit grow in my stomach that made me want to comfort her no matter what happened.

"You know I just want you to be safe. And I'm terrified to think about what those people would do to us... to you," I stared up at her blue eyes, my words genuine. "But I also want you to know that this isn't just something to do for fun. This isn't a fling for me. I'm completely and utterly in love with you, and if, by any chance, we are found out, I'm not leaving you. And I know you wouldn't do the same. Besides, you can't really abandon your Angel Unicorn, can you?"

Brittany giggled at that, her eyes watering slightly at my speech. "I love you so much, Santana Lopez."

I was going to reply with an obvious "I love you, too" but her lips captured my words before they could leave my mouth. I smiled against her lips, feeling a familiar fluttering in my stomach that only came when I was around Brittany.

My hands traveled from her hips up to her neck, my fingers naturally tangling into her hair. My heartbeats quickened, and I fought back the urge to rip her clothes off and take her right then and there. But I couldn't do that. Not yet, at least. It wasn't that I was unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the concept of sex, but I needed to do this right with Brittany. I was only going to do it when she thought it would be right.

Apparently that time was then.

"San..." she murmured, and shivered at her breath at my ear. "Your parents aren't home, are they?"

I shook my head, not trusting my words. And with that, she grabbed my legs, and I took the hint to wrap my legs around her waist. She staggered forward as she pushed me onto my bed.

Clothes littered the ground, and in a haze full of lust and love, we were both taken into complete bliss.

Brittany's POV

I had heard from a bunch of guys that Santana was amazing in bed. I didn't doubt it, of course. She was unbelievably sexy, and her body was smoking, but sleeping with her only proved that she was just as every guy said she was.

But now I had her all to myself.

"I love you," she had repeated breathlessly. "Only you. I only love you."

And of course I believed her. Santana had never lied to me once, and I knew as she stared straight into my eyes she wasn't going to start lying. So I had said it back multiple times. Every time she kissed me, I reciprocated with equal love, and I knew things between us would work out.

Our love was strong enough to get through the hell that is high school, and then we'd go to college in New York and live happily ever after. It was our dream. We talked about it on multiple occasions, but in the very moment when she laid down next to, I knew it would become a reality.

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