3: Party

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Santana's POV

Brittany and I barely went a day without seeing each other when summer break came. Whether we were in bed or watching a movie or at the park, we always did an activity together. Our parents even began suspecting things, but we always managed to get away from their enquiries.

"Where are you going, Santana?" My dad asked just as I was about to run out of the door.

"I-I, uh," I stuttered, thinking of an excuse. "Brittany got her hair stuck in a comb."

I always blurted the randomest things, but thankfully they believed them.

The only reason we kept it a secret is because I didn't want them assuming I was in a relationship past friendship with Brittany. I had an extremely homophobic family, and if they ever found out that I was, in fact, in love with my best friend, I'd probably be out on the streets.

"Her mom can't help her?"

"Her mom isn't home," I answered truthfully. "And you know how Brittany is. She's easily confused. She needs my help to get through things."

"I guess," my dad sighed. "I just never see my little girl anymore."

"Lo siento," I apologized heartedly in Spanish.

"It's fine," he patted my head lightly. "You're a teenager, what should I expect? Now go help your friend."

I entered her house, knowing that she was already waiting for me. I ran up the stairs, taking them by two. Brittany was laying on her stomach, her head propped up on her arms as she watched something on the TV. I ignored the perfect view of her butt. When I stepped closer, I recognized it to be Woody Woodpecker.

She heard me before I stepped closer, so she rolled slightly to the side so her body was facing me. She was only in shorts and a tank top, her curly hair wrapped up into a bun. She grinned, patting the spot next to her. I laid down, resting my head on one of my hands, my body shifted sideways so I was facing her.


"Hi," I greeted, my mood already brightened by her voice.

"Do you wanna go out today? Or stay in and watch a movie?"

Based in the hope in her voice, I knew she wanted to go out, so I decided on just that. She barely concealed her excitement as we stood up, closing the TV and heading back down the stairs.

"I'm paying," I demanded rather than suggested.

"No way! You paid last time, it's my turn!" She crossed her arms.

"We can split it?" I suggested this time, but she wouldn't have it.

"Uh-uh," she shook her head. "Stop babying me! Either I pay for the whole thing, or else I'm kicking you out of my house. Then we won't be able to hang out today."

My jaw slackened, "You're bluffing."

"Am I?" She raised an eyebrow, a tiny smirk appearing on her face. I gave her a challenging look, making her smirk vanish. "Get out of my house."

My eyebrows shot up to the sky. She wasn't serious was she? "I'm not leaving!"

"If you let me pay, you can stay," she shrugged.

I huffed in frustration. I couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but if she wasn't lying, my day would go downhill from there.

"Fine," I slumped my shoulders in defeat.

We left from the back door because we knew my dad could be able to see us from across the street if we went from the front. We snuck out behind the well-trimmed bushes around her house, glancing around before breaking into a full sprint until we turned the corner.

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