13: Revenge

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Please read my author's note at the end of you want to be informed with my plans for future stories.

Brittany's POV

When I opened the door to my apartment, I was met with a harsh sting to my left cheek before I could even see who it was.

"You bitch!" Dani seethed, her fists coiling around my collar as she brought our faces dangerously close. I had never witnessed such loathing in my entire life. My heart pounded and my blood ran cold under her piercing, hateful gaze.

"What-" I was cut off when Dani suddenly let go of my collar. Santana lunged at Dani, pushing her out of the doorway. I had also never seen Santana that angry either.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Santana demanded, fists clenched as she prepared herself to throw a punch.

"San," I called to her, gently grabbing her wrist. "Look at me, Santana."

Upon hearing her fullname, she slammed the door in Dani's face and turned to me. "You can't tell me to calm down. That would be extremely difficult for me seeing as she slapped. My. Girlfriend. Who does that bitch think she is? She kisses me, calls you stupid several times, has the audacity to ask for my number and invite me to a club - a club with alcohol, so she was planning on getting me drunk - then she barges into our apartment and literally assaults you! This bitch is going to burn under the fury of Snix, and not even you can stop me!"

She didn't even let me reply when she softly brushed her fingers along my cheek. "Is your cheek okay? Did she slap you too hard?"

I giggled at the fact that she changed from passionate, protective Santana to soft, caring Santana. I didn't know which one I adored more.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying how much I love you," I sighed, turning my head to kiss her palm. "I'm completely fine. I do think Dani is going to suffer some back injury from how hard you pushed her though."

"I don't give a fuck about her. Did she hurt you badly?" Santana asked once more.

"I'm good, Angel Unicorn." At the sound of the strange nickname I gave her, she gave me a tiny, yet warm smile. "I promise, if she hurts me, you'll be the first to know. But if she hurts you, I have to be the first to know too."

"Of course," Santana promised.

Santana's POV

Brittany and I decided we should visit the rest of the glee club at the hotel room, but when we got there, we were faced with an unpleasant surprise.

Dani was sitting in Artie's lap, her arms slung over his neck as she gave a boisterous laugh at one of his dumb jokes.

Brittany immediately grabbed for my hand, keeping us close together. "Hey guys!" She greeted, announcing our arrival.

"Brittany! Santana! We were just about to invite you to play Monopoly with us!" Mike said, his arm around Tina.

"We really just wanted Brittany," Artie grumbled, but everyone could hear it.

"Shut up, Artie," Puck scolded. "Santana's always welcome."

"Yeah, she's part of the family," Kurt added. "If you can accept Dani so easily, then Santana should be a breeze."

"Dani needs to leave," Brittany almost growled, her grip on my hand tightening.

"What? Why?" Finn questioned. He seemed to like her company.

"She slapped Britt for no reason," I informed them.

"So? Quinn's slapped Rachel for no reason and they're still friends," Artie pointed out. "Dani's staying."

"That's because Quinn and Rachel have a history. Dani tried to tear our relationship apart then made herself the victim. So she needs to leave," Brittany urged, glaring at an innocent-looking Dani.

"Look, I won't bother you anymore, okay?" Dani directed her attention towards my girlfriend, eyeing her up and down. I stepped in front of the blonde slightly, not happy at all with how the idiot was checking out Brittany.

After an intense staring contest, Brittany finally backed down, but she kept her hand securely in mine. I had no complaints.

We sat at the other end of the room, and I watched Brittany play Monopoly. I squeezed her shoulder gently, "I'm gonna get some water. You want anything?"

"No, thanks," my girlfriend replied, so I kissed her cheek and went to the mini-kitchen that the suite room held.

Dani was already standing in there, so I attempted to ignore her and get on with my life, but she stopped me. "I'm already here, so you might as well just ask me for what you want."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, but I still told her that I wanted water. There wouldn't be harm in telling her, right?

I glanced over to see that Brittany was watching Dani intently. I smiled at her reassuringly, so the blonde looked back down at the game.

Dani nudged me with the glass of water, and I gratefully took it, gulping it down swiftly.

My fingers clenched around the glass as I felt something swirl in my stomach. "What did you put in this?" I demanded, dropping the glass and listening to it shatter. I clutched my stomach, backing away from the crazy bitch.

"Oh my God!" Dani gasped, seemingly unaware of what happened. "You look sick! Let me get you to the bathroom."

She ushered me to the bathroom, much to my reluctance, but I felt way too sick to fight back.

"What did you do to my drink?" I hissed, keeping my distance.

She grinned wickedly, forcing me between her and the sink. "Just a little drug, nothing too harmful. This is revenge for lying to me and giving me the wrong number. You know, I really thought we'd be good friends."

"You're a fucking psychopath!" I groaned in pain, slumping against the sink as I began to feel light-headed.

"And now, you're mine," she giggled - well, more like cackled - as she pressed her lips against mine.

It took me all my willpower to shove her off me, but she had me pinned down. "Hey! Get off! Somebody help-"

She cut me off again with her lips, and I felt tears pricking at the end of my eyes as I struggled against her. Her nails dug into my wrists so tightly that I began to bleed. I pulled my head out of her reach, but that only gave her the opportunity to kiss my neck.

"Help!" I screamed again, once I regained the strength to. My stomach continued to churn sickeningly, and I honestly thought I was going to vomit if she continued.

Suddenly, the weight was completely taken off of me, and I gasped in relief, my bloodied wrists cradling my stomach. I slumped to the ground, pain searing through my whole body. I watched with a hazy, watery gaze as Brittany punched Dani continuously.

I looked up to see Quinn's hazel eyes staring down at me in concern, and suddenly I was swept up, strong arms supporting me. Puck's reassuring gaze bore into my tired one, and I barely gave him a thankful smile before slumping into his arms completely, exhaustion wearing over me completely.

The last thing I heard was police sirens and my friends rushing around before I blacked out.


There's only an epilogue after this one because I planned on cutting the story off short. Don't worry, all the angst has ended, and the next part is simply to show what happened after all that Dani drama. Then I'll finish writing You are the Best Thing that's Ever Been Mine, and then I'll start my Samcedes story, recently titled Human Nature.

So, I've been planning a bunch, and with summer, I'm sure I'll have a ton of time to finish those up. I want to start these new ideas in my one-shot book called Glee as Vines and Glee as God's Plan. You'll understand when I show you the examples in my one-shot book.

So that concludes the last chapter! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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