5: Puck

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Santana's POV

"I'm so sorry, seriously. I was dead ass drunk and I posted the video of you kissing Britt-"

"YOU DID WHAT?" I jumped up from my seat and sent my palm straight across his face. The clap sound from the slap echoed through the empty park while he hung his head low.

"I know, but I deleted it as soon as I sobered up! But enough people watched the video by that time and-"

"We need to fix this!" I hissed, running my hands through my hair as I thought long and hard. I didn't even mind if people shunned me, but they couldn't do that Brittany. She didn't deserve it.

"I've tried convincing people you were drunk, but the video made it obvious you were sober. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry! I know you're into her, and you wanna keep her safe, but I messed it all up."

"Kiss me," I blurted.

"What?" He shot his head up to look at me as if I spoke in a foreign language.

"You heard me. Kiss me in front of a camera. Say we're dating, and no one will assume anything," it wasn't a fool-proof plan, and I sure as hell didn't want to put my lips on Puck's ever again, but it had to be done. For her.

"What about Brittany?" He questioned, however he still stood up and took his phone out.

"This is for her. She won't care. As far as I know, I'm her best friend and that's all I'm ever gonna be."

Puck stared at me in disbelief. "She's going to be heartbroken."

"Why? Who the hell would give a damn about me?" I demanded, crossing my arms angrily. How dare he argue with me when he was the one that got me into this mess.

"She does! I know you think she only loves you as her best friend, but she's more than that! Don't ruin this chance with her!" He raised his voice in rage, which took me by surprise. I didn't know Puck actually cared about me or Brittany as friends rather than girls that want sex.

"Pucker up, Puckerman," I ignored his complaints, grabbed his unlocked phone, and pressed my lips swiftly against his. They weren't soft or affectionate like Brittany's, but he didn't have that taste of alcohol either.

I pulled back abruptly, wrinkling my nose at him in disgust. I glanced at the picture and gagged at the sight of us. Neither of us really seemed to be enjoying it, but to other people it seemed convincing enough.

I posted it with a caption that said "I love her."

Brittany's POV

When I witnessed Puck's latest post online, I almost threw up. There they were, Santana and Puck, showing their love for each other online by posting a picture of them kissing. It was almost humorous at how Santana looked like she was holding back from the kiss, however it was obvious that she was the one that initiated it.

To say I was upset was an understatement. Santana tried to call me, but I ignored it and huffed as I lied back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I thought we were doing so well. We didn't spend a minute away from each other the moment the school year was over. Was it because I kissed her? Was it because I didn't do anything in our friendship, so she found it useless? I was useless. My heart ached, not ever wanting to see something so revolting in my life.

Then I received a text from someone. I glanced at my phone, expecting it to be Santana, but it ended up being Puck. Curious, because he never texted me unless he wanted to get into my pants, I sat up and opened the text.

Puck: It doesnt mean anything

Brittany: What doesnt mean anything?

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