9: Disgust

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Santana's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and a note from Brittany.

Hey Angel Unicorn! I'm out with Aunt Sarah and Aunt Julie for groceries. You can order pizza since I know how much you've been craving it for the past two days ;) Don't even try to deny it, I know you way too well. Anyway, we'll be back by noon, which should be soon because I know that's the time you can wake up and not be grumpy. There's coffee on the counter.

I love you!


Brittany was by far the cutest and most caring person I've ever met.

Smiling to myself, I flopped out of bed to see that it was, in fact, thirty minutes until noon. I debated waiting for them, but I was way too tired and hungry. Of course, Brittany had known this already, so she left money at the table for pizza.

Honestly, she's the angel unicorn, not me.

After ordering pizza, I plopped myself on the couch and thought about how strange my relationship with Brittany must be.

I was a manipulative bitch that tore other people down to bring myself up. I talked about how I could hurt anyone, when really I lived in a nice, rich neighborhood. I took people's weaknesses and exposed them, and I told everyone the cold, hard truth. I was nothing like sweet Brittany.

Brittany didn't want to be head of the Cheerios. She didn't rule people with fear, she ruled people with kindness. She was quirky, and often called stupid, when in fact, she was the smartest person I knew.

No one could compete with Brittany. So how did I, the rudest person in McKinley, win over Brittany's heart? We didn't make sense. I pushed people to the ground, she pulled them back to their feet. I threw slushies at people's faces, she helped clean the slushy off.

A mystery that I never quite solved yet.

A knock on the door shook me from my thoughts, and I practically skipped to the door. My eyebrows shot up in surprise at the familiar face. "Dani! We meet again," I smiled slightly. From the conversation I had with her, she seemed like a really nice person.

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Must be fate."

I frowned slightly at that, before shrugging. I was sure she meant it in a friendly way.

"Oh, Brittany left me money on the counter. You can set the pizza box on the table and step inside if you'd like?"

I turned to the kitchen and grabbed the money, returning only to see that Dani was standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. I snorted slightly, "You can sit if you want. I'm only in New York for the summer, so it's be nice to meet new people before I come back after graduating."

"Uh, I don't even know your name," she shuffled her feet bashfully when she sat on the couch.

"Oh," I slapped my face to my forehead. "I'm Santana."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," Dani complimented.

"Yeah, well, both the name and the looks come from my parents," I chuckled.

There was an unpleasant silence. "You said Brittany's out?"

It was then that I realized Dani could easily be a serial killer, and she could murder me in my sleep now that she knew where I lived. I shrugged that aside, silently scolding myself for being so damn paranoid.

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