6: Dates and Kissing

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Santana's POV

To say I was excited to finally take the love of my life out on a date would be an understatement. I couldn't even find a synonym that could match the butterflies in my stomach and the happy flutter of my heart when I thought about Brittany.

Everything about her was perfect. Her intoxicating laugh, her shiny white teeth when she grin at me, her lips that moved in rhythm with mine, her soft hair when my fingers played through them, her glorious, glorious body with her soft skin. But I wasn't with her just for the physical relationship (although, that's a bonus), I was with her because I loved her and she loved me and she understood me and didn't care about my flaws, in fact, she loved me even more because of them. Brittany was just perfect.

So that means I have to give her the perfect date. A movie and a dinner was way too cliché, and Brittany and I were way too unique for that. Or, as she would say it, too unicorn. Even though I knew she would be fine with going to anything, I wanted to make it special because Brittany's special.

"Hey Britt," I started on the phone.

"Hi!" She greeted back in pure excitement, and I could tell she was grinning from ear-to-ear just by talking to me. The thought made my own smile widen.

"What's something you've never done before?"

She hummed as she thought about an answer. "Are we playing Never Have I Ever?" She didn't wait for a reply. "I've never had shower sex," she responded seriously.

I chuckled at that. What a Brittany thing to say. "No, I mean, has there ever been a place you've always wanted to go?"

"Not really. I'm happy with what I have and who I'm with. Why would I want to be anywhere else?"

I thought over her words, completely abandoning my thoughts about the date for a moment. "You don't want to leave Lima?"

"Well, you're here. I don't want to be away from you. Why? Are you leaving? I thought everything was going fine!"

I cut her off before she could go into a panic. "No way am I leaving you behind!" I almost yelled at even the thought. "I just didn't have any ideas for the date," I admitted sheepishly.

"I want you to surprise me, so I'm not gonna say. Just take what you know about me, and bring me somewhere you're sure I'll enjoy! I have to go, it sounds like my dad broke a plate again. Bye!"

"I love you."

There was a pause before a huge squeal came from the other side of the phone. It was so high-pitched that I winced and brought the phone a few inches away from my ear. "I love you, too, Angel Unicorn. I love you so much."

Brittany's POV

When Santana knocked on my door, I could barely hold back the excites squeaks from the back of my throat. I had waited too long for this moment. The moment where the love of my life approached my nearly empty house (which only consisted of me and Lord Tubbington since my parents were at someone's wedding) with a bouquet of flowers and a nervous grin on her face.

The moment she took a hesitant step into my house when I invited her in for a few moments, I just had to do it. Her lips were too inviting. I lightly pressed my smile onto hers, and we both simultaneously melted into the kiss.

I pulled back just to look her into her eyes. Santana stuck her lower lip in between her teeth, and she glanced around skittishly.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"This has to be perfect," she sighed, finally taking a step back so we could look at each other completely. "I've never been this nervous or excited in my entire life."

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