12: Pride

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Santana's POV

Kurt and Blaine were waving pride flags and screaming "I love you" to each other over the sound of the huge crowd.

Brittany gently took my hand, giving me a reassuring smile. In all honesty, I was terrified to the point where I wanted to take a run for it and hide in the apartment until the day was over. Even better, I could go hide in the closet again.

Despite this, I wanted to be braver for Brittany. I knew she had my back no matter what, and besides, we were at a pride march. Everyone would support us.

So, gulping down my insecurities and fear, I squeezed Brittany's hand as she led us deeper into the crowd.

"Ooh, Santana, look at this!" Brittany bounced excitedly dragging me to a booth with pride merchandise scattered everywhere.

I only smiled softly as Brittany gushed over every single item that was visible.

"This one's the bisexual flag! That's me! I'm bisexual! And here's the gay flag. That's you! You're gay!" Brittany squeaked, handing me the gay flag as she took the bi one. She raised it up and waved it around, announcing her sexuality to the world.

I sighed contently as I watched her adorableness.

I was so damn in love.

"Fancy seeing you here," a familiar and unwanted voice said from behind me.

I didn't even turn around to face Dani, instead following my girlfriend. Brittany glanced back to see if I was following her, but when she witnessed Dani behind me, her gaze hardened.

The blonde grasped my hand almost possesively and brought me closer, our shoulders bumping together. But noo, Dani sped up so she was in pace with us, Brittany on my left and Dani on my right.

"Hey, Santana," the other girl nudged my arm. Brittany pulled me impossibly closer, her arm now wrapped around my waist. "Santana-"

"What the fuck do you want?" Brittany suddenly blurted. I stopped dead in my tracks. Brittany rarely ever cursed. To see her so hostile was so strange but not unpleasant, especially when she was defending me.

"Are you Santana?" Dani questioned sweetly, not giving Brittany to snap back. "No, I didn't think so. I want to talk to her, not you. But since you asked oh-so kindly, I'll tell you. I want you to come to this club. And before you refuse-"

"No," I refused.

"I'll keep pestering you until you agree," Dani crossed her arms. "So? What's it gonna be?"

"Fine, we'll come to the dumbass club. Leave us alone, now," I waved her off.

"First I need your number," she rubbed her palms together. "So I can tell you the info."

"Yeah. Whatever," I grumbled, taking her phone and typing in ten random numbers. "Leave us alone now?"

She beamed, seemingly happy with that answer. She pranced off, probably for another one of her conquests.

"Are you crazy?" Brittany hissed at me. "Why'd you agree?"

"I only agreed so she'd leave. We're not actually going. And that wasn't my number I gave her," I assured, grabbing Brittany by the collar of her shirt and pulling her gently closer. I raised myself on my toes so place a soft kiss on her lips.

My stomach erupted with butterflies, and my heart pounded; something that happened every time I was with my girlfriend.

"I love you so much," she breathed against my lips.

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