10: Friends

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Santana's POV

"Hey, Santana," Quinn greeted nonchalantly as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey, Q," I answered absent-mindedly. After a second, I tore my eyes away from the television screen. "Quinn?!"

She laughed heartily at my late response. "Hi, Santana."

I jumped from my seat on the couch and wrapped her into a huge hug. We were both surprised at my sudden affection, but I think Brittany's really rubbing off on me. And not in that wanky way.

"What hell are you doing here, Fabray? Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be in New York? And how did you get into the apartment?"

"I'm here for you. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you. And Britt's aunts let me in. I got their numbers from Brittany and told them that a few friends and I would be visiting."

"Brittany was in on this?" I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend, then remembered that I hadn't come out to Quinn just yet.

"Yeah. You're lucky you got such a great friend," Quinn beamed.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. Oh, she had no idea. "Wait, you said you and a few friends? Who else is here?"

"Mm," Quinn pursed her lips. "I think you should see for yourself. Back to the Brittany topic, where us she?"

"Bathroom," I answered, still in shock that my friends came to New York for me. Well, probably more for Brittany, but the two of us are a package deal. If you want her, you get me too.

As if on cue, Brittany emerged from the bathroom with just a towel around her and another towel covering her dripping hair. I forced myself not to stare, but my eyes seemed to stay glued on her amazingly long legs. Suddenly remembering that there was someone else in the room, I snapped my gaze back up to the shorter blonde. She gazed at me with a quirked eyebrow, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Hi, Quinn!" The tall blonde exclaimed. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Yeah, me too. I love New York," she sighed contently.

"Yeah, me too. Santana and I are gonna move here after we graduate," Brittany said. "So, where are the others?"

"They're at the hotel. We're staying for a week, do you guys wanna see them?"

"Yeah, once Brittany stops giving us a show and puts some clothes on," I laughed, only half-joking. The other half was completely serious. No one other than me was allowed to see Brittany with minimal clothing.

Once my girlfriend was dressed, we headed out to the hotel. The walk was surprisingly short, and soon enough we were going up the elevator, down the hall, and into a huge hotel suite.

"If you're wondering how we paid, we all pitched in because we didn't wanna be in a bunch of separate rooms," Quinn answered the unasked question that roamed the air.

In the room, I saw everyone from glee club. Rachel, Kurt, Mercedes, and Tina were gossiping about who-knows-what anymore. Puck, Sam, and Mike were furiously pressing buttons on the X-Box controllers while Artie, Finn, and Blaine watched intently. Every now and then they would all yell in excitement at the screen before they fell silent and continued to play.

Suddenly, Artie yelled Brittany's name, making everyone in the room stop what they were doing and look at us.

I stepped back slightly, bewildered by their excitement to see us. Brittany took my hand and squeezed lightly before letting go. I looked up to see her smiling at everyone. "I missed you guys! And even though she won't admit it, Santana missed you all, too."

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