11: Encounters

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Brittany's POV

I knew I shouldn't have let Artie order pizza. He didn't know that we stopped ordering from the place around the corner because that was where devil - er- Dani worked.

When Artie opened the door for Dani, she shot her eyebrows up in surprise. Seriously, why was she always delivering to this apartment? Why couldn't we get someone else?

"I thought Santana and Brittany live here? Who are you?" She asked him innocently.

My gaze hardened as I heard her annoying voice. Santana tightened her grip on my hand. I turned to her to see her shaking her head. She wanted to see how Artie was react to Dani.

"Uh, I'm their friend. How do you know them?" Artie answered warily.

There was a long pause and the volume in their voices decreased. I craned my neck to hear them, but to no avail.

"I wonder what they're plotting," Santana grumbled before cuddling up to my side. I stroked her hair mindlessly as I continued to chat with the rest of the glee club.

"Artie, wheel your ass over here with the pizza!" Puck hollered, patting his stomach. "I'm hungry!"

"Sorry, I got caught up. The delivery chick was a hottie," he fanned himself with his hand, only making the pit of suspicion in my stomach grow.

Puck smirked, extending a hand so Artie could high-five him, "On a scale from one to Brittana's relationship, how hot?"

"Seriously, Puckerman?" Santana scoffed, her voice growing cold as she shot him a glare. I swatted her head lightly so she would stop. "Sorry, Britt," she sighed. I nodded in approval before playing with her hair again.

"Gi'me a W!" Mercedes called.

"W!" Everyone cheered except us.

"H!" Kurt continued.


"I!" Rachel caught on to it.


"Double P!" Quinn laughed, shaking her head.

"P-P!" Everyone changed, finally getting it.





"What does the spell?" I asked excitedly.

"Whipped!" Everyone, excluding Santana and Artie chanted.

Santana scooted away from me a bit, avoiding my gaze. I placed my hand on hers warily, but she snatched it away.

Obviously she didn't enjoy a bit of teasing.

"Yeah, but we love each other, so it's okay," I shook my head to the rest of the group.

Santana leaned back in the couch and shut her eyes. The rest of the club dug into the pizza that Artie bought from the she-devil called Dani.

"Yo, this pizza is amazing!" Puck hollered. "We have to get pizza from here all the time!"

"Oh, no," I shook my head immediately. "San and I don't like that place."

"But the pizza is great," Finn complained.

"Hear her out," Mike nudged Finn lightly in a scolding demeanor.

"Well there's this pizza delivery girl that kept delivering to the apartment. One day when I was out Dani totally tried to make her move on Santana. But Santana has moved on from the days of sleeping with anyone that was attracted to her, so she kicked her out and we never ordered from there again," I stated proudly, glancing over to Santana who was fast asleep.

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