8: Pizza and New York

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Brittany's POV

Since it was summer break, my parents had decided to send me to my aunt's in New York. And since Santana was officially my secret girlfriend, we managed to convince her parents to let her come with me.

So that's how we got there. Sitting alone in my aunt's apartment because she went to pick someone up at the airport. We decided to watch a movie and order pizza, so I set up the movie as she answered the door.

When I put in Lion King, I stood up and made my way over to the door to see what the hold up was. Santana was laughing at the pizza delivery girl. The girl was a pretty blonde, and she was grinning as my girlfriend patted her arm. I felt a twinge in my stomach at the sight of Santana touching another girl.

"I'm Dani," the girl introduced herself.

Santana opened her mouth, but she looked slightly conflicted about replying. I decided to let my presence be known at that moment.

"Hey, babe, what's the hold up?" I asked, pressing a kiss to her temple. Santana looked surprised by my display of affection in front of another person, but she smiled lightly at me.

"Nothing, Britt-Britt," Santana answered, turning back to Dani. "Dani was telling me about something that happened on the way here."

"How do you know her name?" I feigned ignorance, and Santana seemed to buy it.

"She just introduced herself," Santana looked up at me warily. "Brittany, are you okay?"

I mentally shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Was I seriously getting jealous? Is that what that annoying gnawing feeling in my stomach was?

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just hungry, and I wanna get my sweet lady kisses on," I glanced at Dani, feeling a bout of smugness at her irritated expression. "Thanks so much for the pizza, here's your money."

I dug into my pocket, but Santana beat me to it. "No way, Brittany. I'm paying."

I frowned, "But I wanna pay."

"Too bad. Last time we went out, you paid. It's my turn to treat you," Santana argued.

I pouted, but it soon disappeared when a thought came to mind. "We're like an old married couple," I giggled.

Santana didn't answer immediately because she was busy handing the money over and taking the pizza box. She faced me and her lips curved up as my eyes zeroed on the box.

"I guess you really are hungry," She laughed.

"And after this, I plan on eating you for dessert," I responded, not missing a beat.

Santana's eyes darkened at my statement, but then she glanced back at the door, and we saw Dani still standing at the doorway awkwardly.

I waved at her before taking my foot and kicking the door shut. I snatched the pizza box from Santana's hands, set it aside on the table behind me, and pulled her into my chest so I could kiss her deeply.

She let out a squeak of surprise, but her arms slung around my neck to deepen the kiss. I tilted my head slightly, my hands frantically resting in her hair, rubbing her back, or venturing lower.

"Britt," Santana breathed when we separated slightly. "What has gotten into you?"

"Maybe dessert should come first," I said, not answering her question.

"Brittany, wait." I paused, pulling back a little more so she could breathe. "You realize you just outted me to someone, right?"

I bit my lip, eyes widening in realization. I hadn't meant to do that. "It's New York, San. No one cares about sexuality." When she didn't say anything, I rubbed my hands nervously. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

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