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Third person POV

One year later

After occasional struggles regarding Brittany's grades, Santana managed to help Brittany pass all of her classes, and the two were on their way to their newly bought apartment.

After Santana finally came out to her family, everyone seemed accepting, excluding her abuela. While this was a tiny bump in the road for Santana, the young Latina didn't let Alma Lopez's harsh words get to her.

Dani, who creepily turned out to be twenty-seven years old, was arrested for sexual assault on a minor. This brought great relief to the couple, and with tiny fights here and there, they began their journey to the top.

Brittany opened a dance studio with the help of Mike and Mr. Schue. The studio was small and not well-known, but it was gradually becoming more popular. Santana was working as a part-time singing waitress, where she helped Rachel get a job at. Kurt would frequently visit the two girls, and sometimes they'd even drag Finn along with them.

Finn and Rachel broke up shortly after graduation, and not because their love fell out, but because Finn wanted Rachel to chase her dreams and be in New York. The couple had an unspoken plan that in the near future, Rachel would come back to Ohio to see Finn teaching at McKinley, and the two would get married with tall, loud babies that can't dance.

Kurt and Blaine had an incredibly rocky relationship with all the distance, but if anything, their love for each other grew stronger. They never once remained unloyal to each other, and they would talk every day.

Mike and Tina were on a break, but every time they saw each other, they'd practically jump each other's bones. They made an agreement to get back together once they graduated.

With Mercedes in LA and Sam still in Ohio, the two inevitably broke up. Mercedes found an incredibly caring man, but her love for her blonde ex-boyfriend was unwavering. Sam had a weird fling with the school nurse, but that quickly ended. Once he graduated, Sam planned to win Mercedes back; it didn't matter to him how big the other guy was.

Quinn, unsurprisingly, was back with Puck. He followed her to New Haven where she was attending Yale. Their relationship was shaky because Puck was always seeing hot girls while he had his pool cleaning business, but Quinn learned to trust him. He wasn't nearly attracted to the other girls as he was with Quinn.

Artie... well, Artie was Artie. He finally got over Brittany, yet still remained bitter for a reason unknown to everyone.

"Rachel, Kurt..." Santana rubbed her sweaty palms. "I-I need your help."

"You need my help? Santana Lopez needs my help?" Rachel was practically weeping with joy.

"Don't let it get to your head. Remember that I'm from Lima He-"

"Yeah, yeah," Kurt waved her off. "What do you need help with?"

Santana slowly reached her hand into her pocket and revealed a velvet case. "I want to propose to Brittany."

Another year later

After their wedding, Santana and Brittany shared sweet, sweet lady sex. For some reason, this time it was different. More special. Perhaps it was because they both made vows to stay with each other forever, or because it was their first time as wives. The soft touches and kisses, the electrifying feeling between the two, it all heightened significantly after that night.

They were never going to leave each other.

Kurt and Blaine's wedding followed soon after. Then Sam and Mercedes. Then Tina and Mike. Then Finn and Rachel. And lastly, Quinn and Puck. The drama between the glee club was huge, but it finally died down as they all settled with their true loves.

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