(UnderFell) While you were away

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Frisk woke up from a sudden nightmare, he looked quickly at his surroundings, he quickly took deep breaths and looked again.

Just his room and not that building again, frisk sighed and got up to get dressed.

He put on his black and red sweater, black pants and placed new his bandages, frisk flinched when someone knocked on the door, he stuck his hand inside his pocket and turned around to met a goat staring at him.

The goat slowly approached and raised his hands up in surrender way, frisk sighed and took his hand out of his pocket and smiled.

The goat smiled softly and ruffled his bed hair, "Asriel! Your going to make it worst!" Frisk giggled nervously, taking Asriel's hand away gently and punching him in the arm playfully.

Asriel smiled and got the hairbrush he had in his back pocket, he brushed frisk hair and smirked as he purred from the gently strokes.

When Asriel finish he placed the brush in his back pocket and took out his phone, "lets see... brush hair check, dressed check, new bandages," Asriel looked up from his phone and raised frisk's sweater up, he then put it down and looked on his phone again, "check..."

"Did you take your medication?" Asriel asked as he look up again, Frisk widen his eyes and looked away nervously, Asriel sighed and frowns, "you know you have to take it."

Frisk stuck his tongue out and groans, "It taste disgusting!" Asriel rolled his eyes and shook his head, "if you don't you know what happens." Frisk looked down and frowns, "I'll go get it." Asriel walks out of the room while frisk walked downstairs to the living room and sat down on the couch.

Asriel came down with a spoon, a maroon bottle and a bottle of water.

Asriel hand frisk the bottle of water and went to the kitchen, he came back with a triangle sandwich and handed it to him, frisk quickly ate the triangle meal and stared at the spoon getting poured with a red sticky syrup.

Frisk slowly leans away from the spoon that had the syrup, Asriel sighed and opened frisk's mouth forcefully, once frisk swallowed it Asriel opened the bottle of water and gave it to him.

Frisk quickly drinks some water and stuck out his tongue again, he brought his attention to Asriel when his phone buzzed, "Chara will be home in s few minutes." He said as he read the message, frisk smiled brightly showing off his fangs and ran to the window to wait for his cute caretaker to arrive.

Frisk loves doing things with Chara even though his feelings were visible and opened to Chara, she still can't understand if he just liked her because she was taking care of him or in another way.

Frisk gasped excitedly as he saw a car drive up to the driveway, Toriel, Asgore, and Chara got out the car and were hold groceries. Chara looked at the window and smiled when she saw frisk waved behind the window. She giggled and quickly made her way to the front door, she placed the bag of groceries and opened the door, she picked up her bags and walked inside.

She heard the footsteps runs towards her and stopped when it got around the corner, frisk stood there excitedly and hugged Chara, she hugged back while her hands were still full.

"Sorry I wasn't there for your morning schedule, I needed to get some of your stuff that you require." Chara apologizes, frisk took the bags and quickly placed them down on the kitchen table, Chara came in and started getting something from one of the bags.

She took out a little medical device and handed to frisk, "take it now, your breath fast after that excitement you shown." Frisk took the inhaler without hesitation and placed it in his mouth and pushed down the button that push air to his lungs.

"Did you take your medicine?"


"Did you eat?"

"I ate half a sandwich."

"Did you brushed your teeth?"


"Do you love me?"


Chara giggled and shook her head, "you too honest for me." Frisk smiled and leaned into Chara hair, which was reaching for his hair, "Because I can't lie to you! That's how much I wuv you!"

Chara giggled softly and gave a him a warm smile, "I love you too."

If your wonder why Asriel check on his phone it was because frisk need special care so he has a schedule going on, since Chara usually does it, she made a list.

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