This if for TheCatFurry Where Frisk is a big flirt but they're too afraid to confess to Chara.
-------------"Whatcha drawing there, Frisk?" One of his friends asked behind him, Frisk laid across his sketchbook and a blush spreads on his cheeks, "None of your business!" He exclaims flustered.
"Oh come on, I just wanna know what your doing." Frisk pounders for a moment before a lightbulb lights up from his mind, "I'm busy doing you." they blushed then began laughing, "that's pretty gay." Frisk chuckled and slipped the sketch book in his backpack.
"Anyways, I came to tell you if you can help me study with a couple of friends." Frisk shook his head, "Sorry, But I can't." His friends tilted their head, "why not?" Frisk smirked, "Because I would get lost in your eyes." They picked Frisk up from his arm and dragged him into the hallway, "just shut up and follow me, you sly dog!"
--------Frisk walked into his classroom and sat down in his chair, he took out his sketchbook and began drawing. Soon the students come pouring in the classroom and as if everything was in slow motion, there came Chara.
Frisk watched every majestic step, her hair flow as she walked towards her desk.
And him.
Frisk blinked as she sat next to him, he quickly looked away as not to look weird. Why would she sit next to him of all chances? He glanced back where she usually sits but another person was sitting there.
Now he knew why.
No wonder why she sat right next to him, he was just a average person and she was this... beautiful and brave person, if only he could say that to her.
He went back to his sketchbook and smiled at his hard work. Frisk felt a presence of someone leaning over his shoulders, he looked over and his face turned red. Chara was staring at his rough sketch of her and made Frisk really uncomfortable since he drew hearts around the rough draft.
He quickly closed his book and fumbled over his words, "I-I-I swear I'm n-not a s-s-stalker or anything!" Chara brought both of her hands up, "n-no, it's my fault for poking into your business..." Frisk cursed beneath his breath that he said the wrong words, that wasn't what he was going to say! Now she probably assuming things!
"But you're really good artist, if it doesn't bother you...can I see some more of your artwork?" Frisk was left shocked. She thinks he was a good artist and she wants to see more?! Frisk nodded and handed over his sketchbook.
When she looked over, she seems to love his drawings. Chara perked up when she turned to the next page, "Hey! This is me!" She said gleaming, she turned the book around to point at herself reading a book. "Did you mind if I keep this one?" Frisk smiled then nodded, he pulled up his sweater to hide his reddened cheek. His smiled fell when someone threw him off his seat, he rubbed the back of his head and looked up to see a guy leaned back on his chair.
"Sorry nerd, but this is my seat today." Frisk immediately panicked and took his stuff, he ran to another sit and sat down with a scared expression. Chara still held on to his sketchbook, before she got up her arm was grabbed. "Hey what's the big deal?" Chara snapped at him, the guy shrugged, "where are you going? I'm not done with you."
Chara farrows her eyebrows together.
"Just let me alone." The Guy suddenly placed his chair back on the floor, "What? Are you into nerds?" Chara blushed before gritting her teeth, "you know, you supposed to be one of popular girls." Chara shook her head, "just because I'm the princess of monster doesn't mean anything!" The guy scoffed and turned around, he suddenly got an idea and got up. "Then this won't mean anything." He snatch the sketchbook and looked through it, he laughed as he flipped the pages and pushed Chara as she tried to grabbed it.
"Hey look!" He brought everyone's attention towards and he opened the sketchbook to a couple of drawing of Chara, "This loser got a crush on Chara!"
Everyone in the classroom laughed and started pointing at Frisk while he hid himself in embarrassment and to hide his tears. The guy started ripping apart his drawing, Chara grabbed his arm to stop but he threw her onto the ground.
That made Frisk snap.
He wiped his tears away then ran to his bully, he had enough of this constant pain and suffering.
He pulled his arm back then used his force to throw the impact on his cheek.
---------"I expected more from you, Amour." Frisk slouch down on his chair and wiped away the blood running down his nose, the principal sighed then shook his head. "Visit the nurse's office, just take care of yourself."
Frisk got out from his chair and walked out of the principal's office. He glared at his bully, who was given a black eye and a couple of bruises, before heading towards the nurse's office. Frisk opened the door and saw the nurse rush over to him, "oh dear." They mumbled, they quickly brought Frisk over to a bed and laid him down gently, "I'll be right back, I need more ice."
He closed his eyes and grunted at the soreness flowing through his body. At some point the door opened then closed, Frisk raised an eyebrow before peeking how walked in. He shot up when Chara was right in front of him before groaning as the pain attacked his bruised body.
"Hey, lay down your still in pain." Chara voice soothes his ears and pushed him gently back into the bed. "Why are you here? You should be in class." Chara smiled and handed over the leftover of his sketchbook, "I came to give this back." Frisk took his book then smiled, "T-Thanks."
"Also, there's another thing I have to do." Frisk tilted his head,"And What is that?" Chara leans in to place a kiss on his cheek. Frisk widened his eyes and froze, did she just...?
"That was brave of you to stand up for yourself." Chara looked away with red spreading on her cheeks, he gave a goofy smile and chuckled in a daze state."It was nothing, sweetheart..." Frisk slapped his hands on his mouth, "O-Oh d-dear, I d-didn't mean t-to-" Chara cut him off with a giggle.
She pulled some hair strands behind her ear, "it's fine..." Chara took one of his hand and interlocked it with hers, "I think your a-amazing." Frisk smiled before clearing his throat, it's now or never.
"Chara, I have fe... ings... I mean I lov.... date... me?" Chara laughed at Frisk nervous act before nodding lips, "I would love too." Frisk gleamed, Chara pecked his lips and he passed out onto the bed from embarrassment.
"Oops, I think that was too far..."

Charisk Oneshots
FanfictionI'll put random short oneshots of charisk in here cause I'm bored :3 This includes some smut too, you can request if you want to.