Frisk huffed as Chara cling onto his back. He just finish getting into his uniform until Chara ran out of his room. His tail twitches annoyed and he glanced back to see puppy eyes.
"Chara I really need to do my role as alpha." But Chara shook her head and started whining. Her fluffy ears flattened down and she nuzzled her face against his back.
Every year Animals go through mating season to find a mate and continue their offsprings. Even with humans that are werewolves.
Frisk was promoted as Alpha after his father step down and gave the role to him. But soon after he become leader, another pack had invaded his territory. They only came in peace and offered a trade for part of the land.
And so the trade was for a mate to become Alpha female.
Frisk only took the offer since he did needed a female to help him lead his pack. When he stumbled across Chara, who was the daughter of the pack leader, he fell in love and asked for her. The Alpha hesitated before giving her away.
At first when she entered his pack, she was scared and frightened from the others wolfs staring down at her. Nonetheless she felt safe in frisk's presence.
After a couple of months inside the pack, she finally relaxed and learn his pack's tradition.
Every year a male will challenge for the role of Alpha, if that male was defeated their role will be rank down to the lowest rank, which omega and the previous omega will be rank up to beta.
When she was first witness to this tradition Chara become afraid of Frisk. It broke his heart how she had to see that. He often whimpers at her door for him to apologize for what she had to see, and when she came out Frisk gave her space to relax near his presence.
He widened his eyes as she nuzzled her faces to the crook of his neck and explains how she afraid of fighting after an incident she was in. Apparently her biological father was challenged by a young male and won, she was threatened to be his mate and carry his pups. But she refused and ran away when he tried to attack her.
He growled when he heard this but calm down as she weeped.
Ever since then they became closer.
Frisk's thoughts were interrupted when Chara brushed her hand against his shaft. He slightly growled before turning around when she did it again. She whimpered and rubbed her head beneath his chin, he grumbled before nuzzling her neck with his face.
"You alway wanted to make me happy, right?" Frisk kissed her neck and smiled. "Of course, as long I'm with my Alpha Female." Chara giggled and grins as she was picked up and dragged into their room.
Frisk softly placed her down on their bed and got in between her legs. He chuckled deeply when he grinds on her causing her to moan. "Shhh... I don't want other males hearing what's mine." Chara grabbed his shirt and slowly unbuttoned it, "What if I can't keep it in?" Frisk smirked, "then I have to punish you~" he said before throwing away his shirt.
She giggled before moaning when Frisk nibbles on her neck. He then begins to undress Chara and growls as she covered herself. "Don't cover yourself, you look beautiful." Chara smirked and moved her tail to cover her heated part. Frisk then nuzzled her neck, "I know you're teasing me..." Chara kisses his shoulder, "Mmhm." She hummed before moving her tail out of the way. "Lay down."
She demanded, Frisk did as his mate said and smiled warmly as she got on top. "Stop giving me that goofy grin!" Frisk chuckled, "but you love it." Chara grumbled something before unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants. She stopped to feel Frisk's member before pulling down his boxers.
Chara felt Frisk's tail wagging against her lower back and giggled, "aren't you happy to see me." Frisk nodded and grabbed her waist gently.
He slowly slipped inside her and groans at the feeling. Chara let out a small moan before beginning to thrust into Frisk, she smiled when Frisk was slowly finding a place to mark her shoulder.
"Are you ready?" Frisk asked, Chara nodded and bare her fangs near his shoulder. Once Frisk bit down Chara did the same thing to reduce the pain. They both lap up the dripping blood and gasped when they released their fluid from the pleasure.
Frisk gently dragged Chara down onto the with him and smirked. "Now I have my alpha female finally." Chara giggled and nuzzled her face into Frisk's neck. "And I have my alpha male with me finally."
The two share a small laugh before hugging for each other's warmth and sleeping together in bed.

Charisk Oneshots
FanfictionI'll put random short oneshots of charisk in here cause I'm bored :3 This includes some smut too, you can request if you want to.