Chara stared up at the stars as she fiddles with her crown gently, she couldn't help but feel upset. Soon enough her hand with be taken to be married with someone else and not the person she first fell in love with.
She leaned into the balcony's rail before hearing a knock on her door, she look back to see a young man in armor leaning against the balcony door with a soft smile on his face. She could stare into his brown eyes forever but she couldn't. Chara shook her head and opened her eyes to see he came closer, he kneels on one knee and bows down.
"Your majesty," he said gently, "Your father awakes your presence." She wonder what would her father wanted but her thoughts were cut off with her knight standing right in front of her.
"Would you like to be escorted?" He asked, she couldn't help but blushed. She nodded and locked her arm around his and walked with him out of her room.
As soon when they made it in front of a large door with the delta symbol, the knight kneel and kissed the back of her hand.
"Please, announce me when you are finished." Chara felt her cheeks get hotter when she can still feel the kiss on her hand, "very well." She said, he stood and gave one more bow before walking away.
"Bye, Sir Frederick..." she whispers before pushing the large door to be welcome by her monster family. Her brother, Asriel, was the first to noticed her and quickly stood up. He walked up to her and locked his arms with hers, "What is this about?" She asked in a low voice.
Asriel pulled Chara closer so the others wouldn't hear as they walked closer,"Father has decided to move the date to tomorrow, they're already getting the field ready for the big duel." Chara eyes widened, "But why?" She asked worried,"That's for him to tell you." She grew anxious as she sat in fronting her father.
"I know you're worried about someone taking your hand in marriage but it was your mother's last wishes." Chara frowns, her human mother passed away when she was only a newborn due to blood loss and her father left her from his depression. Her last words were for her to get married just like how her mother met her father, he fought for her love and proven that he could protected her.
"But why move to tomorrow?" Chara asked, both Asgore, her father, and her mother, Toriel, glanced at each other before having a trouble looks on their faces.
"Prince Thomas the second has asked for your hand in marriage, along with three other men." Chara couldn't help but glare at her parents, "that arrogant good-for-nothing man that brags how rich he is and how many women he can get in his bed in a single snap? I don't think so." She scoffed, Asgore rubbed temples and sighed. "Please consider one of these men, Until tomorrow you will have to choose for at least one of these men." Her father stood up and turned around, before he could walked away Chara stood up, "wait!" Asgore stopped and turned his head to see her fiddled with her crown.
"Can't other men compete from either in the kingdom or outside enter as well?" Asgore nodded, "why do you ask?" Chara shook her head and kept from herself from smiling, "just a question, nothing else." Her father nodded and walked away.
Chara turned her back to her mother and brother, she smiled as she opened the door and looked around. She saw Frederick looking around at the wall full of paintings and sighed, he turned around and smiled when she was finally out from the big room.
He approached her then bow, "Are you ready, your majesty?" Chara nodded and locked her arms with his, "to my room, if you'll please." Frederick nodded and placed his hand on top of hers,"If I may ask, why are you so thrilled?" Chara shook her head, "it's a secret." She giggled, he couldn't help but chuckled,"Will then," he stopped at her door and unwrapped his arm around hers, "Here is your destination, anything else, your majesty?" Chara shook her head,"Then I am to leave," he kissed her hand, stood up, then bows down.
"Sweet dreams, your majesty."

Charisk Oneshots
FanfictionI'll put random short oneshots of charisk in here cause I'm bored :3 This includes some smut too, you can request if you want to.