(Yandere!Chara X Yandere!Frisk) You only belong to me

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"Chara, come downstairs! You're going to be late for school!" Asriel huffed as he wasn't replied back. He shook his head and grabbed his stuff, "I'm letting her be late for class." He mumbled and walked out of the lovely house.

Chara snores and snuggles into her blankets for more warmth when her alarm clock went off, she startled awake and fell off her bed. She groans as her head hit the floor.

Chara placed her hand at the edge of the bed to support her steady herself, she over to her clock and noticed at her clock ringed again But was over the time she was supposed to wake up. She slapped her forehead and rushed to get ready. quickly putting bread in the toaster, she struggled to brush the knot in her hair and sighed when it got stuck.

Soon when she was ready she placed the toast in her mouth, grabbed her bag and ran out her house. Chara ran passed her neighborhood and into the school grounds before impacting at something hard but soft and fell down.

"Oh geez, are you alright?" A soft voice rang in her ear. She looked up glaring at her victim before blushing as a handsome face stared back at her, he offered his hand and she gladly accepted.

"I'm sorry, I should've look where I was going..." the young man chuckled embarrassed. Chara shook her head, "its okay, I was in a bit of a rush today." The young man nodded

"I'm Frisk! I would love to chat but I have to get to class." Frisk walked away and waved goodbye.

Chara bit her bottom lip and smirked, "he can only belong me~"

Chara laughed as the girl struggled beneath her feet, her knife dripped of blood. She shook her head as she crumbled the letter with hearts around it, "you made your mistake trying to get in the way of our love."

She giggled when the girl stopped moving. she quickly burned the weapon, her bloodied cloths, and the body. Chara changed into her cleaner clothes and made her way into the front of the school, She smiled when Frisk waved at her. He ran towards her and gave a quick hug, "Why were you taking too long?" Chara Just smiled, "one of my teacher had to talk to me about my grades." She lied.

Frisk nodded, believing in the lie. "Come on! I wanna see the sun go down!" Chara giggled when her hand was grabbed and was dragged into the park.

"I know this prefect place! It believe it near the lake..." Frisk thought out loud, Chara continued looking at her hand before intertwining her fingers with his. He looked down before blushing and softly smiled, not until a skeleton was walking towards him.

"Sans?" The short skeleton walked towards him before eyeing Chara down, "Hey kiddo, I just wanna talk with ya." Frisk frowns then perked up when a sound of bells ringing.

He looked back before going back to Sans, "You don't mind if I get some ice cream?" Sans nodded, "go ahead." Frisk jumped and asked Chara if she wanted one, "you know my favorite flavor." With that Frisk ran off.

Chara growls as Sans gave her a death stare, "I have a feeling you're influencing my friend with your tricks." Chara huffed, "I don't know what your talking about." Sans scoffed, "as if I'll believe you."

Sans pupils disappeared, "just wait until I tell Frisk who you really are." Chara widened her eyes before glaring at him, "you wouldn't tried that if I was you." Sans chuckled, "but your not me, are you?" Chara then smirked, "if you say anything, you wouldn't like what will happen to your brother..." Sans glowed his one eye, "oh ho, you wouldn't." Chara giggled sounded like bells expect it was hidden with murder inside the sound, "try me."

Frisk came back nibbling on his cone as he handed Chara hers. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked confused, Sans stopped glaring at Chara and return back to his lazy way. "Just chattering, anyway how about we start Frisk," he glared at Chara, "Alone."

Chara frowns but smiled when Frisk grabbed her hand, "Sorry Sans, can't this wait until tomorrow? I really want to watch the sunset with Chara." Chara stuck her tongue out at Sans when he stepped back in shock, "but kiddo—" Frisk glared at Sans, "Sans, Can't this wait until tomorrow or when I get home? If you don't leave, I'll do it myself."

Sans noticed the threat and nodded, "you'll thank me when you figure it out." He snapped his finger and disappeared.

Frisk let out a sigh before smiling, "How about that spot, eh?" Chara nodded.

"Last chance, Sans!" The skeleton threw more bones before summoning a gaster blaster, "I won't stop unless it would stop corrupting Frisk!" Chara growled when she was slammed against the wall with his magic.

She got back up and ran towards him before slashing her knife around, Sans took in a couple of breaths when she stopped to take a small break.

Sans slowly close his eyes when Chara stopped moving, she smirked before attack him.

Sans quickly moved out of the way and chuckled, "Do you really think—"

"Sans? Chara?"

They both looked towards the source of the voice and grew nervous.

"Listen here kid! She trying to end me!" Chara hid her knife behind her back, "don't listen to him, Frisk! He just trying to get rid of our friendship!" Frisk looked back in front before walking towards them.

He stood next to Sans and Chara eyes widened from rejection, Sans chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Sans." Frisk mumbled.

"No problem kiddo, I know you didn't believe until you saw—" Sans stopped when a knife slashed across his chest.

"But you're in my way." Frisk smirked before letting out a dark chuckle.

He kicked the skeleton down to the ground before laughing maniacally, "Wow! I didn't expect you to fall for that goody-two-shoes act!" Chara blinked for a couple of time before met with a hard chest against her own, she looked up before biting her lip.

"What? Frisk caught your tongue?" He whispers before kissing her lips, Chara closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation that she felt. She moans quietly when Frisk slips his tongue inside her mouth, he gave a satisfied hum. When he pulled away Frisk chuckled deeply when Chara still have her lips puckered awaiting for him to connect his lips again, once Chara didn't feel anything for a while she stopped and opened her eyes.

Frisk cupped her cheeks, "You want more?" He asked seductively, Chara nodded. He looked around before taking her knife and his in one hand, "Let's get rid of this first before anyone spots us." He said winking at her.

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