(UnderFell) only for a while

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Chara rolled her eyes as the boys continued to flirt with her, sheesh did they always had to pick the real cheesy ones? Frisk can do better, even if he doesn't get half of what he says, but he has still managed to keep her heart fluttered around him.

Once the bell rang she happily made her way out of the classroom and out the back exit of the school, she would usually skip if she was bored or if her father didn't teach math because of the embassy keeping him busy. Pssh, she can make up the work since she has extra help from her mother.

Chara held her breath as she pasted the smokers near the corner of the school and silently made it past the gossipy girls who LOVE to spread rumors, once when Chara wasn't careful enough Frisk, somehow, wandered into the school on his own (Good thing now he has a bell collar but now it makes her look like it's one of her kinks), he went to the wrong part of the school and got himself surrounded by them.

He managed to slap one of them when they approached past his personal bubble and into her classroom hiding from them, now when he returns to the school Frisk would mostly receive glares from most of the students, unlike others who heard about the guy's arm Frisk broke.

Yeah, Frisk isn't allowed in the cafeteria anymore...

Chara looked up and smiled when a sleeping boyfriend was near the window cuddling with pillows, he would always wait like this until someone arrives. Like a personal dog but literally half human, and more murder to it.

When Chara grabbed the knob to the door she giggled when Frisk blinked a couple of times before yawning, he puffed out his chest while stretching and popped his muscles. He looked around before spotting Chara and smiled, he looked down and frown before laying his head down in disappointment.

She quickly made her way inside and closed the door behind her, Chara placed her bag near the door and took off her shoes to get comfortable. Frisk slowly wagged his tail (which for some reason is his last form version of it but smaller) and wrapped it around Chara when he could reach her.

"How's the leg doing?" Frisk eyed the twisted leg and shrugged, "Hurts, But feeling much better since your here." Chara smiled before leaning closer to the injured boy, Frisk perked up a bit when something vibrated underneath his pillow. He picked up his phone before placing it in his ear.

"Hello?" Frisk questioned, Chara kissed his cheek and his breath hitched once she went near his jugular, "W-What? there nothing w-wrong...!" Frisk widened his eyes before looking down shamefully, "Yeah..." Frisk pulled the phone away from his ear and placed it on speaker mode.

"Chara?" The ID caller named 'Best Goat Bro' answered, "yes?" She answer before giving the last kiss to Frisk's lips, "Stop making out with Frisk for a moment and listen to me." Chara groans before sighing, "Alright What's up?" Frisk yawned before laying his head on her shoulder.

"After your guys little...uh." Asriel pauses for a moment, "'Heated session' did you guys got too 'Heated'?" Chara eyed Frisk before pushed him off of her softly, he raised his eyebrows confused before being turned around and his shirt lifted off of his body.

Chara traced his scars on his back before looking around, "nothing on his back." Blood for Frisk is a HUGE turn off if it's his, Chara discovered that when she bit his shoulder and the next day he found blood on his side of the bed, he got really pouty that day and didn't do anything before he was given an apology. Despite being a murder monster he usually loses his memory after passing out.

His 'job' was explained as a guardian to someone's daughter before he was kicked out, then after that he took the souls of the dead humans but the blood moon had other plans.

"No, why?" Chara asked, Asriel stayed quiet for a moment. "I will have to call you back." And with that he hung up.

Frisk fell back to his pile of pillows and fell asleep, Chara glanced at him before ruffling his hair. "I hope it wasn't one of those instincts again."

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