Frisk glared at the lazy skeleton smiling at his pacifist partner. His teeth gritted as the skeleton placed a boney hand on hers, she didn't notice what he was trying to do but it irritated him how naïve she was.
Oh, how humans can be stupid. This single female can't recognize what flirting is when it's directed towards her.
"Papyrus! You can't do that!" She whines as he took her chocolate. Papyrus chuckled and pulled his hand higher, "if you want it, come get it."
As Chara tried to grab her chocolate bar, Papyrus face leaned in, Frisk abruptly stood up and marched his way over, he snatched chocolate out from his hand and brought Chara closer. The skeleton glared at him, "Thanks Frisk!" Chara gleamed.
"Come on Chara, Asgore told us to get home early for dinner." Chara pouted before nodded, Frisk glared at Papyrus and waited until Chara walked far away so she couldn't hear them.
"Listen here." Frisk started out, "Chara isn't for you to have, and I don't think I will appreciate you with Chara even if I died!" Papyrus remain unfazed, "why are you doing this if you said you didn't like her, demon?" Frisk growled, "You try doing that again, I will end you."
Frisk scoffed and walked away, this skeleton will really getting underneath his skin.
And he didn't like it.
—————————"Frisk, hurry up!" Chara whines grabbing his arm to pull him, he didn't move and rolled his eyes."I don't see why you want to stay in this," Frisk shudders,"Trash bag's House..." Chara glared at him, not like it could scare anyone. "Stop calling Papyrus that!" Frisk scoffed.
"A sleepover? With the most laziest person ever?" Frisk arm was pulled down and his face was closer to Chara's, "it was my plan to start this, it's my first sleepover!" Frisk grew confused but held anger in it, "Then have one with the girls! Talk about boys or whatever!" Chara rolled her eyes and knocked on the door.
Alphys opened the door and gave a toothy grin, "hey guys the punks are here!" Chara jumped in joy and ran inside, Frisk's eyes locked in with a certain skeleton and looked away to laid upon the exciting smaller skeleton.
"Human! I'm excited for this 'sleep over' you humans has as an activity!" Chara giggled and followed the small group into the kitchen, "I made tacos for this occasion!" The voice rang out from the kitchen as plates shatters.
Frisk sighed and fixed his ruffled shirt, "I know you're staring at me, Papyrus." The glare couldn't be unseen from the corner of his eyes, "I thought you were blind."
"Frisk! Can you came here?" Frisk sighed of relief as he walked into the kitchen.
——————————"Okay, time for TRUTH or DARE!!!" Frisk frowns as Chara glowed. "But we will do it with THIS bottle." Alphys placed down a glass bottle then back up for a bit.
"I call first!" Sans gleamed then grabbed the bottle, "What do I do now?" Chara giggled, "you spin the bottle, then when it lands on them you ask them truth or dare."
"Oh, okay!!" Sans placed the bottle back in the ground then spins it, it landed on Papyrus.
"Okay brother, Truth or dare." Papyrus lean back then shrug, "I don't know bro." Sans frowns, "you gotta choose brother!" Papyrus tapped his chin.
"Truth." Seems like sans wanted him to choose that, "is it truth you threw away my leftovers at night?" Papyrus shrugged then teleported to his room. Sans gasped, "he did!"
"I guess it's my turn!" Chara grabbed the bottle then spun it, Frisk scowls as Papyrus came back immediately. It landed on Frisk but Papyrus used his magic to move it slightly towards him. "Oh no, Papyrus magic is forbidden." He scoffed then moved it back towards Frisk.
"Truth or dare, Frisk?"
"Truth." Frisk glared at her while she smirked devilishly.
"Do you want to kiss me?"
Frisk grew flustered, "dare."
Chara leaned in, "I dare you to kiss me."
Frisk looked around nervously before pulling his collar shirt back and forth to cool himself. "never have I ever—"
Chara threw her hands up, "that's not the game!" Her eyes tears up a bit which made Frisk rolled his eyes. "Fine! If I would to kiss you can you stop being a baby?" Chara gasped and nodded with a big grin. He sighed before leaning in to kiss her cheek. She covered her mouth as she giggled and glanced at Frisk with a blush across her cheeks. Frisk huffed and pulled up his shirt to cover his face as Alphys snickers.
Papyrus's hand, which was holding the bottle, grips on the bottle too hard in which it shattered.
——————————"Time for bed!"
Chara hopped around in her pajamas and held Frisk's arm closer. "Alrighty, I'm being a gentleman and letting Chara sleep in my room!" Sans chuckled.
"But I though you said I could bunk in your room, Sans?" Alphys asked confused, San widened his eyes a bit. "Oh, right..." Chara shook her head, "it's fine Sans, I'll just join Frisk on the couch!" Frisk scowls as he buttons his pajama shirt, "Is this your excuse to cuddle with me again?"
Chara giggled, "maaaaaybe!" Frisk laid his back against the couch and rolled over to his side. "Chara you could bunk with me..." Frisk turned back immediately and glare daggers into the skeleton's soul. Chara shook her head again. "I like sleeping with Frisk! He helps get through nightmares..." Frisk noticed her voice had gone softer and shyer.
She was looking away to a wall and smiled beneath her hand. Frisk felt his heart tug a string.
But Papyrus couldn't take the message, "but I insist!" Frisk stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Let her do what she wants, Papyrus." Chara looked up and saw him getting agitated.
Papyrus huffed, "you're acting like a overprotective boyfriend, and you said you didn't like her." Frisk gritted his teeth. "Frisk, What's going on?" Chara asked worried.
"Nothing." Frisk picked up his bag and threw it on his shoulder, "I'm leaving." Papyrus smirked as Frisk slammed the door before he walked out.
"Frisk..." Chara grabbed her stuff and followed the angry human stomping his way to his home.
"Frisk, What happened?" Frisk shook his head and grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He threw his stuff on the couch and made his way upstairs. Chara did the same and hugged him as he was about to close the door to his room.
"Leave me alone, Chara." Chara shook her head and he sighed. Frisk made his way to his bed and laid down. "Please just tell me." Frisk sighed and rubbed her back as she cuddled his chest,"I was getting..." frisk noticed was he was about to say and grumbled underneath his breath. "jealous?" She finished his sentence.
He nodded. Chara giggled and brought herself up with her elbows, "is it true Papyrus likes me?" Frisk nodded again. "No wonder..." she softly smiled as she laid her cheek against his chest.
She pecked his lips and giggled again, "you know I'll always belong to you." Frisk grumbled and drag Chara Down as he turned to his side, "Go to bed, idiot..." Chara giggled and nuzzled to his neck and sighed peacefully.

Charisk Oneshots
FanfictionI'll put random short oneshots of charisk in here cause I'm bored :3 This includes some smut too, you can request if you want to.