(UnderSwap) Distractions (NSFW)

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Chara clicked her pen while thinking on what to write, handling something small was easy but hard to come up with. She bit the end of her pen and sighed when nothing came up from her mind, Chara perked up with the front door opened then closed.

She opened the door from her office, (aka her room) and spotted a tired nerd walking upstairs, she giggled when he glared at her with tired eyes before diverting his eyes away from her body which she wore only his dress shirt unbuttoned and undergarments. He pushed her away from the door so he could walk in and plopped onto the bed.

Chara closed the door behind her and went back to her small desk and grabbed her pen again, she wrote small things into the paper before hearing the bed shuffle as Frisk was getting ready to be comfortable, Chara placed an arm on the top of the chair and smirked as she turned towards to see him throwing his belt and tie to the floor. She giggled when he mumbled 'perv' underneath his breath despite him getting his things off slowly.

Frisk took off his glasses and placed them aside on the drawer and let out a sigh before getting comfortable and falling asleep, Chara rolled her eyes and quickly wrote something down so she could finish the paper later, she placed the pen on her desk and rushed her way into bed and cuddled closer to the sleeping nerd.

The buttons on his shirt disturbed her as they poked into her skin softly but in a irritating way, she grins softly as she popped the buttons one by one and embraced the warm skin of his body. Chara couldn't forget the moment when she first placed these marks on his chest, the small bruises on his chest and neck was proof of ownership, she gasps quietly when two warm hands grabbed her hips.

"Admiring the view?" Frisk chuckled, Chara could admit he was too irresistible to not admire him, he smirked and planted small kisses onto her neck, she giggled from the soft kisses.

Chara smirked slyly as she slides her hand farther down below his stomach, Frisk froze before backing away, "Come on Chara, I just got back home..." Chara huffed but ignored him and rubbed against his member.

Frisk bit his bottom lip and groans, Chara placed her lips on his and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pushed his back against the bed and crawled onto him, she giggled as he fell into her trap. Frisk drew circles on her thighs and watched her whimper, Chara planted small kisses on his neck and stopped when a phone rings.

Frisk softly pushed Chara away a bit and grabbed his phone, he glared at the callers ID and answers it anyways.

"What do you want?" Frisk hissed, the sound of someone blowing a fog of smoke was replied with his angry tone. "I suggest you stop what you're doing." Frisk rolled his eyes then closed one as Chara bit his neck and started grinding, "Shit." He grunts when she slipped a hand inside his pants.

"Sorry but no can do." Frisk hanged up before they could answer, "Who was it?" Chara asked while pulling down his boxers,"Papyrus, again..." Chara tilted her head in confusion, "is there really nothing going on between you and Papyrus?" Frisk nodded, Chara felt something off but shrugged it off when she gripped his back for biting her collarbone.

"Usually this doesn't happen..." Frisk chuckled before helping Chara taking of her clothing,

"Because I want to sleep but I have to fix your needs." Chara held back a moan as he entered inside her, "It's your fault you were so turned on with our first kiss." Frisk gave his neutral face before smirking when he bucked his hips, Chara gasped before letting out the moan she was keeping in.

"Oops, Sorry my bad." Frisk teased, Chara gripped his shoulders before moving herself, Frisk let his tongue hanged out and let her took control. Chara grins and she bit, scratched, and licked all over his tan skin.

"Chara! Asgore is going to see this~" Frisk mumbled out of lust, "Oops, Sorry." She repeated his remark, before shaking in pleasure as she released. Frisk gently took the small body on his chest and slowly winced at the pain as he laid her right next to him, Chara cuddled into his chest and let out a soft sigh before silently snoring.

Frisk glared at his phone when it buzz, he picked it up and reads the text message he was given. He text back before setting up an alarm clock for tomorrow and took a glance a Chara, he frowns before shaking his head and placed the knife that was in his drawer inside his pocket.

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