(UnderTale) Busy hours are now close

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Frisk began tapping on his desk with a pencil in his mouth and notepad.

He had no idea what to write, a speech about monsters and humans working together to build a paradise for all to enjoy, but most humans can't still accept monsters, seriously it's been years!

And that Anti monster cult is still going on somewhere, they only been seen once or twice around town but mostly near out of the town.

"Ugh! I'm sidetracking again!" Frisk groans and ruffled through his hair with his fingers, This was frustrating him and he couldn't think clearly.

His empty thoughts was pulled out from the void and into the real world as someone knocked at the door, frisk looked out the window from his office and looked at his clock on the computer near him.

Who would knock at 11:57 pm? Now that he think about he should be asleep by now, he shook his head and brought his attention to his door opening to his office.

He smiled as the love of his life walked in tired with two little children in her arms, asleep.

He chuckled softly as he watch her slowly approaching him, swaying a bit as she walked forward.

Once she reached frisk she sat on his lap and hugged her children close to her, frisk wrapped his arms around all of them and smiled with the warmth he was feeling.

"You should be asleep." Chara mumbled quietly, frisk laughed at her sleepy state, "I think you need it the most, sweetheart." He poked her rosy cheeks.

"Besides I can't sleep until I get this done, I haven't even started it." Chara looked at the notepad and took the pencil out of his mouth, she moved the notepad away with the pencil and patted his chest.

"Sleep now, work later in the morning, you don't have work until the afternoon you have time." Frisk smiled and sighed, he knew never to doubt her when she taking care of him.

"Fine." Frisk rolled his eyes playfully, and picked up Chara which surprised her. He swiftly turned off his computer and walked out of his office and closed the door.

Frisk gently placed Chara down as she walked away to place the kids to bed, frisk walked into his bedroom and tooled off his suit off, maybe he should have token it off when he came home, nonetheless he went into his closet and quickly change and brushed his teeth.

Once frisk got into bed, Chara came in and laid down next to Frisk, she hugged him and got comfortable instantly.

"Aww... no bedtime story?" Frisk joked, Chara giggled and looked at him, "here's a story, you go to bed and we all sleep, the end." Frisk pouts and hugged her waist, "I don't like that ending." Chara closed her eyes and enjoys his warmth.

"I do now be quiet and sleep."

Frisk glared at her playfully but agreed with her, he yawns and closed his eyes as the blackness consumed him.

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