(CollegeAU) Ugh, parties sucks

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Chara ignored the ringing that was coming from the living room, Asriel watched as his sister twitched her eye in annoyance before getting up. He shook his head when got up to follow her, Chara accepted the caller and placed her phone in her ear.

"Let me guess, you guys want me to come to another party?" Chara groans, a few screeches was heard behind the line before a loud couple of friends started laughing. "Chara you gotta join!" Asriel rolled his eyes before going to separate room to get ready, he knows what's going to happen next.

"I already told you, I'm not going. Not even if Frisk is there." A few huffs were puffed out before another pair of giggling came in, "oh surrre~" they laughed, "what if I were to say that we're here?" Chara turned towards the door and eyed the kitchen knife that was in her sight, "I would stab you." She hissed.

The door burst opened with a couple of teenagers nearly half cloths, "What are you wearing?" Chara eyes them head to toe, "you guys are exposing too much skin." They looked at each other and smirked, "that's the point!" Chara rolled her eyes and saw Asriel came out in a green dress shirt and black pants.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" The girls nodded and pushed Chara into her room before winking at the boys, Asriel glance at the boys in suspicion as they gave each other quiet chuckles.

"Now let's see here..." one of them said as they roamed around the closet, "we need something that says, I'm a guy magnet!" Chara glared at her friends, one of them giggled, "or maybe, I have a crush on the hottest guy in the campus name Frisk!" Chara instantly flushed red and slapped them behind the head.

"Come on, its not like he doesn't know." Chara scoffed at them before getting slapped with a purple dress, "wear this, and this." They exclaims handing over purple heels, Chara got up without complaining and walked inside the bathroom.

When she walked out the girls giggled before giving her a thumbs up, "Now let's go!" They pushed her out the room and quickly got the boys out of the dorm and out of the campus apartments, Chara watched as they came closer to the loud party house.

She hated parties, it's not her thing and since it near their graduation she's mostly been staying inside studying.

Her thoughts were cut off when the car door suddenly opens, her friends quickly dragged her inside the flashing house and cringed at the smell of the place.

Another things she hate about parties, the smell of alcohol and sweating bodies, and they way they dance on each other, ugh.

"Hottie, 12 o'clock~!" They teased, Chara took in a deep breath and shyly looked over to her crush who was currently chatting with one of his friends, his hand went over to grab his drink and took small sips while listening. She watched as his Adam apple bobbed as he swallowed before laughing, one of her friends waved their hands in front of her face and giggled when Chara came back to earth.

"Go talk to him!" They encouraged, Chara shook her head, "I can't." She mumbled.

Frisk smiled before frowning as some girl walked up to him and drew circles on his arm, he glared at the girl before standing up and froze the poor girl in fear. One of his friends grabbed his arm and gestures his head near the sofas, Frisk nodded before following them to the soft seats.

"Psst, Frisk." His nudged his shoulder, he quickly focus his attention on his friend. "Isn't that the girl you like?" Frisk snapped his head towards the girl that was surrounded by her friends and rolled her eyes as they pulled her over to the bar.

Frisk quickly chugged his drink, licked his lips and stood up, "I'll be right back." He felt his cheeks flushed as he approached her, he watched as her friends walked away to the dance floor and saw her point to a drink.

When her drink was paid she took a sip and gazed down when Frisk sat next to her, "May I take this seat?" He asked, Chara raised an eyebrow and looked over. "You already have." She softly smirked, Frisk chuckled before smiling at her.

"I though parties weren't your thing?" He asked curious, Chara shook her head and took another sip, "it's not, my friends barged in my room and forced me to come." Chara looked up at him before looking down with a blush, "why did you come?" Frisk shrugged his shoulders,"Figure I could get out for one more party before finals." He scratched his chin before looking away, "I was hoping to see you here." He mumbled, Chara softly smiled before looking away as well, "welp, you caught me."

Frisk noticed how she slowly blinked before yawning,"Hey, if you like we can leave this party and I can drop you off at your dorm." Chara nodded, "that would be nice." Frisk stood up and grabbed her hands.

Frisk unlocked her dorm and wrapped his arms back around her back as she slept peacefully in his arms, he closed the door behind him and looked around the place.

"Now which one is her room?" He asked himself as he walked around, Frisk stopped when he saw a sign on the door, it reads, 'don't bother me' and he chuckled at that.

He opened the door and made his way around the messy room and placed her down on her bed, before Frisk could walk away she grabbed his hand weakly. "Wait, Frisk..." he turned around and crouched down,"Yes?" He asked confused, Chara pulled him gently and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." Frisk blinked as his face turned into a strawberry, "Y-Your welcome C-C-Chara." He stuttered, he pulled the covers over her and walked out of her dorm.

Frisk leaned up against the door and covered his huge smile,"Oh dear."

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