Orphan buddies

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Chara hopped up and down as the car arrived, she heard new people were coming so she couldn't wait to meet them! now, she watched the door open and the kids walk out but she couldn't help but noticed one kid shyfully clinging to one of the caretakers.

she smiled when the all walked in and started getting settled, she walked into her room and noticed her room was not empty. It was that same kid again! but the caretaker was busy calming them down as they cried.

"Chara, may you come here." the caretaker asked worried, "yes." the kid pulled their knees to their chest and continue crying, "stay with them until I get someone to help." Chara nodded and was left alone with the weeping child.

"Are you okay?" Chara widened her eyes as the weeping child hugged her tightly. She patted their back and gently shushed them. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly. The child sniffed before wiping their tears away.

"They got rid of me..." They started to pour tears again, before the caretaker came in Chara rubbed their back again.  "Don't worry I won't leave you."

A few years passed and Chara gotten closer with her roommate. She learned that they were a He and his name was Frisk. She remembered alway cheering her up when he was down but now he became this overexcited teenager who was reckless.

"Chara!" Frisk waved at her and giggled, he came in running towards her covered in mud. Chara widened her eyes and ran away, "nooo! Frisk you're going to get me dirty!" Chara giggled. Frisk laughed and tackled her down and hugged her closely.

"Friiisk!" Chara whines, she hated when he did this. But she couldn't ignore how cute he looked when he was happy.

She been having a crush on him for a while when they both hit puberty. She always thought it was the teen hormones but she began to think it was more than that.

The way he looked at her made her heart beat.

Chara shook her head and noticed Frisk looking out the window. "What is it Frisk?" She asked. Frisk pointed out the window and smiled,"The adults are here!" The adults wouldn't ever want to the two teenagers since their eyes were red. If they were to turn 18 they would have to live in their own.

Chara noticed a three goat monsters walked in formal outfits and looking around. "Who are they?"

"Are you an idiot?!" The nearby child growled at them, "that's the royal monster family, I'm guessing they're having another child to keep the prince some company."

Frisk looked behind him as they passed him and towards Chara. His eyes widened as they pointed at her and grabbed her arm to the caretaker.

He never thought that Chara will ever leave him.

The caretaker gave Chara her stuff and the king signed on a piece of paper and lead the group to the car. Frisk placed his hand in the window and watched as his friend waved goodbye.

One of the caretaker went up to him and rubbed his back. "It's okay Frisk. Maybe they'll come back for you because of Chara." Frisk slapped their hand away, "Don't touch me!" He growled at them.

Chara laid on the couch and let out another sighed. It doesn't feel the same without Frisk here. Asriel came in to make her smile but it never worked.

"Is this about your friend that you liked?" Chara nodded. Recently Frisk went missing from the orphanage, it was about a week when Chara left.

Asriel tapped his chin before smiling. "How about we look for him in the woods?" Chara raised her eyebrows, "why?" Asriel pulled her off the couch and ran outside with her. "Because who wouldn't like to live in the woods? There's food, water, and shelter with no one in it!" Chara nodded, that was a good reason.

"I'll look there!" He said, pointing to a small hill. "You look near the lake!" Chara nodded and they both took their separate ways farther into the woods.

Chara looked around and frown. "Where was the lake again?" She huffed and walked forward. She noticed a few animal traps on the ground that were terribly covered in leaves.

Chara stopped when she heard someone running through the bushes. She saw a red flash before it ran away, Chara immediately followed it and managed to get a better view of the person running. They were wearing a black hoodie and holding a knife in their hand.

Chara yelped when her body was shot up off the ground, she looked up to See her leg caught in one of the traps. The person approached and she quickly pulled down (would it be down? IDK I'm getting confused) her sweater to cover her stomach.

The person looked at her red eyes with theirs and widened them. They approached but Chara glared at them. "If you dare try to touch me I will murder you with my bare hands." They giggled and Chara frowns.

"What's so funny?!" They shook their head and helped her get back down. "Who are you?" They didn't say anything before grabbing their hood and pulled it more to cover their face.

"I can't tell! Because you have to figure it out!" They giggled before walking away,

"When you figure it out just meet me at the lake! And Don't worry!" They turned around before smiling.

"I won't leave you!"

Chara gasped before spotting some mud on the grass next to a small pond, she smirked and picked some up and charge towards the hooded person.


They turned around and yelped when they fell down. Chara hugged the person and slap the mud on their clothes, "that's what you get for letting me leave with mud on my clothes."

She pulled down the hood and placed a kiss on their lips. "Woah." They mumbled in awe when they pulled apart. "You're an idiot, Frisk." Frisk was still gleaming,"Do That again."

"Gladly~" Chara said before placing another kiss on his lips.

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