Monsters and Humans

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Kris founded themselves cornered inside a cave, thy looked back in fear as the smirking orcs brought their axes close. They looked around for possible escape but they found none. Their friends have manage to escape but Kris had to be the main course for these orcs.

Kris clutched the sword close to them and grew anxious.

"You found yourself stuck, you're friends don't have enough to save you and there are six orcs surrounding you, what do you do?"

Frisk stares at his stats then his character model on the board. "I uh... uhhhhhhh......" Frisk's eyes pricked with tears, he felt so pressured he couldn't handle it.

Asriel widened his eyes and jumped up. "Oh no! Frisk don't cry again!" Frisk started quickly wiping his tears, "I'm n-not crying!" Asriel swiftly turned around and opened his mouth, "Chara! Frisk is crying!"

Chara walked out the kitchen with a towel in her hands. "Again?" She made her way to Frisk and sat right next to him, "What is it this time?" Asriel fixed his green wizard hat and adjusted his green glasses. "Frisk is surrounded with orcs."

"Ah, Frisk..." Frisk looked down shamefully and played with his gloves. Chara placed a hand on his cheek and gave him a soft smile, Frisk grew embarrassed and a large blush spreads on his cheeks. "Look this is simple, what do you have equipped?" He grabbed his stat list and gave it to her.

"Let's take a look here..." Chara scan through the list and pointed at a few things, she mumbles something softly beneath her breath. "Ah ha!" Frisk was taken by surprise when she suddenly kissed his cheek.

"W-W-What was t-that f-f-for???" Chara giggled, "you gotta flirt with them!" Frisk shook his head and covered his face with his ripped shirt scarf. Chara laughed before taking the dice, "how much to succeed?" Asriel flips through the book.

"15 or higher..."

Chara shook the dice in her hands then threw them at the board, "hah! 20!"

Asriel rolled his eyes and flipped the page...

The six orcs were taken by surprise when Kris winked at them. They were never flirted with before which caught them off guard and embarrassed. Kris took this opportunity to run away and slid downhill to make it to the ground.

Once they did that they made their way to their camp site where two other monsters were waiting. "Kris are you alright?!" A small goat dressed in green asked. Kris nodded, sat down and let out a large relief breath.

"You're not hurt?" A purple reptile with a heavy axe asked. Kris shook their head again. "Great, because I'm the only one how can hurt you, you little devil!" Kris started laughing when their hair was being ruffled, they began slapping their hand off gently.

"Now then, how about we sleep for the night?" The small goat asked, the other two nodded and crawled into their separate tents.

"See Frisk? Not hard,huh?" Asriel closed his book and took off his green wizard hat and fake glasses. Frisk shrugged before letting a small smile grow on his face. Asriel chuckled and started cleaning up the table, "same time next week?" Frisk nodded and started grabbing his stuff.

Toriel walked out from the kitchen and noticed the three teens putting things away, "are you ready to leave, Frisk?" Frisk nodded, "could you give me a ride, miss Toriel?" Toriel smiled, "of course, dear."

As Frisk placed his backpack off his arm was sudden pulled, "W-What-?" His mouth was immediately covered by Chara's lips, when they pulled apart a soft pop sound was heard. Chara licked her lips and winked, "see ya next week, Frisky~"

Frisk parsed his lips and turned around. He nodded quite quickly and left out the house running, Toriel glared at Chara sternly. "My child! You cannot tease Frisk like that!" Chara pouted, "But he's my boyfriend!"

"Have he asked you out?" Chara pouted even more and shrinks her head inside her sweater, "no..."

Toriel shook her head and grabbed her keys, "next time wait until you two are dating..." Chara turned away and nodded. Toriel sighed and made her way out of the house.

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