DOFP Quicksilver- Klepto Part 1

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Requested: Surprisingly, yes. Although anonymous, I'd like to give kudos for this wonderful idea!
Mutation: dark blue dragon wings

     ____ ran through security cameras as she sipped her coffee. As an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. at 8th level clearance, she was doing this on her own. No help. No orders.

     She clicked and paused as the mysterious silver blur passed the screen again. The fuzzy image didn't tell her much, just that whoever that blur was, it was a mutant. She had caught sight of it during an investigation and since been intrigued with finding this strange klepto.

     That's right. The blur had been stealing all the pastries in multiple convenience stores and thrift shops. Having done a lot of research, she had narrowed it down to the likelihood of one person. His name was Peter Maximoff and the pictures she had depicted silver hair, silver clothing, and a strange obsession with Pink Floyd. She studied his goofy grin and mischievous eyes. He was cute. Really dorky, but cute.

     Having planned a visit to his house, she grabbed her trench coat. She pulled her bun out and exited the office. Walking down the hall, she dodged a couple officers and outside. Slipping off her trench coat, she jumped up, deep blue wings keeping her from falling. The solid beat of them took her up in the sky and to Peter Maximoff's home.

     Behind a convenience store, she softly alighted on the ground. The wings folded and she put the trench coat back on. A wind brushed past her and a man ran out the back door, yelling. Another whoosh of wind and ____ stood back, startled. The man looked at her. "You! You stole them, didn't you?" He accused sharply.

     ____ stared right back. "Do I look like I have them, you dunce?" The man stared back.

     "But you go fast. That's how you got them!"

     Three well-placed steps and she was in front of the middle-aged man. "Let me tell you something," she whispered menacingly. "I am an agent of a highly concealed and secretive organization you most likely know nothing about, and I'm here to catch the klepto stealing your effing twinkies. I suggest you drop it."

     "Then prove it."

     "Prove I'm an agent?" The man nodded and ____ pulled out an identification card. "I never owed you an explanation. Hear?" The man nodded quickly and she released him. He ran back into the store. ____ ran a hand through her hair and sighed.
"Great," she muttered. "Now S.H.I.E.L.D.'s on the map."

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