Kurt Wagner-Keep Running Part One

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Mutation: Endurance

     Eyes opening, ____ looked around with blurred vision. Bright lights clouded her mind which made it hard to think. Was she still alive? She glanced around as her sight had cleared and she saw the lab around her. The many metal tray tables that held devices, the pristine white tile, and the the stainless steel slide doors were all a daily part of her life. She squeezed her eyes shut. How long had she been here? She forgot. Hours had becomes day, the countless days had becomes weeks, months, maybe even years. Who knew? She couldn't keep track of time in here.
     The last test had been the worst of all though. The unbearable pain made her wish for death, and the even worse six-hour length didn't help. Her heavy breathing shook at the remaining pain and soreness.
     Soon she had realized she didn't remember the last time she was fed. Hopefully she would die soon. Although rare, hope was what kept her going.
     Hopefully she would escape. Laughing out loud, she thought, yeah, right. Escape. Her eyes widened when she realized it was silent. The normal background yelling was completely gone. Maybe it wasn't impossible. Again laughing, she sighed. Seeing a rusty knife resting on the table, she realized. Locks, she thought. Knife. She dipped her head down to the table and tried to bite the knife between her teeth. She failed, trying again and again until she succeeded. Slowly progressing and picking the lock, an arm was free. She grasped it, freeing her other arm with a clenched hand, she worked on her legs and freed herself.
     Swinging her legs down, her choppy (h/c) hair fell into her face. Shakily standing, she walked cautiously towards the door.
     Peeping through the thick glass, she saw no one. ____ grinned. She roughly jammed the blade in between the metal doors. Putting all her weight on it, the doors cracked open and she managed to get them apart 8ish inches. ____ slipped through easily due to her starved body.
          Softly picking her way through the halls, she had managed to find a few items of clothing: jeans, worn boots, t-shirt, and a light but large jacket. The now slightly bent knife accompanied her side and she ditched the hospital gown.
     After zoning out a few minutes, ears perked up at sudden voices. Casual chat was heard and ____ peeked around the corner, seeing security guards.
     She held her breath and tried to sneak away. Stepping on a glass shard in the destroyed hall, ____ winced and the voices hushed.
     She sprinted. As hard as she could. The sun was slowly rising, but she didn't take the time to notice as the soldiers could be heard running after. She persisted, occasionally jumping through a river to hide her tracks.

*** (Timeskip brought to you by Gambit's antigravity hair)

     ____ thought her lungs might burst. She'd been running for what seemed like forever, not counting the few second rests she had. She realized it was noon now, and it was easier to just keep running, for when you stopped, the sore muscles and fatigue worsened, making it impossible to keep going. Still, she heard the yelling German voices and the gunshots.

     A few more miles to safety, and she'd be free. The thought encouraged her and she tried to speed up. A small branch tripped her, but she used the momentum to somersault and keep running. Still going, she dared to look back. The soldiers were slowly gaining. The noises were soon being drowned out by her pounding ears, and her heart rate was still increasingly loud. Her dry vacated lungs were slowly closing upon her throat, and she breathed heavily.
     The voices became less numerous over a long period of time. Finally they had gone and ____ slowed to a stop. Her uneven breaths started calming. She dropped the knife. It stabbed the moist ground and she collapsed, weak and feeble. Her heavy eyelids dropped against her will as the sun lowered subtly.

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