Cyclops- I'm Here

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Requested: Lovely idea, Anonymous 

Mutation: Shape-Shifting

Arms wrapped around my torso, I was terrified. It was a normal day in math with the usual teasing. Until something started happening to my body; I didn't know how to explain it. I shook violently, someone banging on the door. "You can't hide in there forever!" An angry voice screeched through. Frozen with terror, I looked down at my now manly hands. They shifted to a darker color, then to my own. I squealed in shock, unable to get away from myself. I fell back, hitting my head against the wall and finally broke down, starting to sob.

Suddenly I heard a quiet voice. "Hey guys, leave her alone..." it was a boy. What was he doing in here? The girls scoffed, ignoring him and kept screaming. I gingerly reached for the back of my head, feeling wetness. Pulling my hand forward warily, there was red. I trembled as the boy started to yell at them. They agreed to leave begrudgingly. "Hey, uh... ____?"

"I-I'm in here," I responded with a quivering voice.

The teen just outside the door sighed. "They're gone. And I won't hurt you. You can let me in..."

"Why are you even in here?" My voice still shook.

"I heard the commotion... I'm Scott by the way, if you didn't know."

"Of course I know, we went to grade school together."

He chuckled softly, sitting on the other side of the stall. "I'm glad. Hey, are you okay? I won't judge..."

"Not really, to be honest. I'm scared," my hand reached and unlocked the stall quietly. The door creaked open and I sat back against the wall.

Softly inching so he was next to me, Scott kindly smiled. "I understand. More than you know." My face fell and the tears I'd been holding in were suddenly released. He cautiously reached forward for my knee. With it resting there, I felt a bit more calm. Until my body started changing again. Body tense once more and ready for a blow, he didn't move it. "It's okay. I said I wouldn't judge."

"I'm a monster..."

"You're a mutant. There's a difference."

"A what?"

"A mutant. A person with special abilities."

"Why do I keep... Changing?"

"I don't really know." I nodded softly, and that's when he realized the blood. "Oh, God. Are you okay? Let me see."

"I'm fine..." the bell rang, indicating the end of school. I flinched. "They're gonna come after me..."

"I won't let them." he reassured quietly. I relaxed, for the first time unafraid in a long time. He smiled and gently held out a hand to help. "See? I've got you."


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