Quicksilver- Prinzessa

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Requested by: Hothotcholatezz
Uh... Thanks! This is the Avengers version of Pietro for some reason XD
Mutation: Water manipulation

Reading my book, I felt a rush of wind pass me. Then there was another. And another. After a few more times, I sighed. "Pietro," I shouted, not looking up from my book. A tall figure was in front of me now and I heard a, "Yes, Prinzessa?" I glanced up, listening to his accent.

"What do you want? You keep passing me."

Pietro grinned. "If I told you, would you help me achieve it?" His ice blue eyes sparkled.

Giving up, the book was now on the coffee table beside me and I had sat up. "Depends." He sat down next to me. Slipping his arm around my shoulder, he continued. "On what?" "What you want." He chuckled. "Very well." I felt a blur, seeing blue for a second and I found myself in a boat.

I huffed. "Pietro," I whined loudly. He was in front of me and grinned, suddenly appearing with a basket. In yet another split second it was all set into a fancy dinner, complete with candles. I mentally face-palmed as he lit them. "Pietro, we're gonna burn to death."

He glanced up. "No, we won't, because you won't let us, Prinzessa."

"I told you to stop calling me that." I said plainly, keeping an eye on the candles.

"Aw, why do you got to be that way, eh? I only want to pamper you." He was gone again, and I had lost focus on the candles entirely. One had fallen. I looked over as the fire had spread throughout the boat quickly. I jumped slightly, then putting out the fire with large amounts of water, too much apparently. I groaned inwardly. Why did he have to leave Stark Tower? Such an overachiever. With the boat starting to sink, I groaned.

Suddenly there was a blur and I was on the side of the lake we'd been in. "I am so sorry, ____. Are you okay?" As Pietro fussed over me, I struggled to get down from his strong grip. "I'm fine, Pietro, really." He went quiet and held me closer to him if possible. "No, you weren't."

"Actually," I started, "I was." He stared at me inquisitively, which I found adorable. "I could've gotten out of that." I grinned, now limp in Pietro's arms. Softly reaching my fingers out, a bead of water floated in the air. "I believe you forgot someone's mutation." I smiled softly.

"I still shouldn't have-"He froze as I cut him off with a kiss. He pulled back, shocked. "Does this mean I can call you prinzessa?" I rolled my eyes. "You're ruining the moment, Pete." He shrugged. "Just wondering."

"Not really, but okay." I relented, now holding his neck. He chuckled.

"My prinzessa," Pietro whispered, leaving me to roll my eyes.

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