Kurt Wagner- Keep Running Part 2

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    ____ woke with a start. Hearing twigs snapping right next to her, she rolled deeper under the log she was next to. Her attempt at making herself as small as possible seemed to work, and she minimalized her breathing.

     Just when she thought they had gone, she felt a rough hand grab her new jacket and pull her out of the log. Now face to face with an angry soldier, she whimpered. He raised his thick eyebrows and dropped her.

     The inability to recover rendered her panting and trying to weakly crawl away. The thick man laughed and kicked her ribs. Blood spattered from her mouth to the ground and for the first time, ____ felt completely and utterly hopeless.

     After countless hits, she closed her eyes as she was grabbed. Now tightly tied to a tree, she looked around at the small group of men. There were 5. All of them were tall, muscular, and absolutely awful. The leader, the one who found her, was the worst. Everytime he'd pass the tree he would punch her, simply saying, "For running away."

     Almost immediately her leg fell asleep. ____ squirmed, trying to get free. She shrunk when the men looked at her. One of the smaller ones stood. Strolling over, he stooped down. "You don't vant more pain, do you?"

     ____ managed to shake her head slightly. The man nodded and grunted, making it apparent he didn't really care what happened. After almost the whole day of the five men resting and ____ studying their every move, they finally fell asleep.

     The fire slowly died until ____ herself felt her eyes droop. Giving in to the black, she let her head hang over the rope now constricting her air supply. And yet, ____ couldn't care less. Maybe she'd die. Then she'd be free. But they were asleep now, ____ realized. Now was her chance.

     Starting to gnaw on the rope, she slowly undid the first of many. After at least 2 hours, the last rope dropped and she fell quietly to the ground.


     ____ laughed. She was hanging out with her family. Next to her brother, Martin, they were talking to each other. He was her best friend. They joked longer and she sighed. "Hey, Mar-" she asked, suddenly serious.

     "What's up, (n/n)?" His kind eyes asked inquisitively.

     "Will you be with me forever?" ____ asked. Her bright eyes were infused with her childlike naivety. Martin nodded.

     "O' course lil' sis." 4-year-old ____ snuggled deeper into her brother's side.


     ____ struggled to stand. Succeeding, she took a few steps forward. She was about ten feet away when she stepped on a tree branch. She winced as the first guard stirred. She broke into a run and heard the rest of the guards rushing to get up.


As she continued to stumble, they soon caught up. ____ was slowing down, finally worn to exhaustion. She silently prayed that she'd be free soon. That it would all be over. The feeling of being grabbed brought her back to reality.

     Falling to the ground, ____ gave up. Until she heard faint yelling. A blue blob was moving between the blurry guards, which confused her. Maybe I'm hallucinating... After all the soldiers had fallen to the ground one by one, the blue came close to her.

     Waiting for her death, she shrunk. Instead, the blue spoke. "It is alright. You are safe now. May I help you?" The voice was soft and comforting, and ____ slowly relaxed.

     "Y-yes. Please." Her vision started to clear. As a face started to take form, he spoke again. "Alright. Ve have to get moving before zey vake up."

     ____ slowly stood, the blue man next to her helping tremendously. She started to slowly hobble, but he stopped her. "No."

     "Vhat?" she asked softly.

     "You cannot valk anymore," the man objected. "I vill take us." And suddenly,  there was smoke. They were in some kind of makeshift treehouse. "Here ve are. My name is Kurt by ze vay," Kurt smiled softly.
     Although she'd panicked for a few seconds, ____ was thankful for the help given her. Slightly confused, she looked up at Kurt. "Uh... ____. H-how vere you zere.... Zen here.... Vhy did you save me?" The questions kept flowing from her mouth. "How.... Vhat... Vhy vere you zere? Ze zings... You..."
    Not thinking clearly was horrible, ____ decided, for then your mind was muddy and you couldn't make logical decisions. She started rambling utter nonsense until she wasn't sure she WAS talking.
     Kurt gently held a thick finger over her lips. "Sh. I vill explain vonce you have slept. You need to rest." He had been kneeling next to her the whole time, and was quite frankly concerned. She acted as if she hadn't slept or eaten in days. In reality, she probably hadn't.
     ____ gave in very soon. Not really caring if he thought she was gross, she let herself slump to the ground. She mumbled a last, "Zank you," before drifting off to sleep.

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