Sabretooth- Make it Quick

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A/N: Hey guys, I took quite the hiatus in case you didn't notice... Whoops... IRL has been vv stressful, and I haven't been free to be on here. I came back to so much love from you guys though, so thank you mucho and I hope you enjoy as I return filled with angst, fluff, and more angst (There's some upcoming death). As always, requests are open.

Requested: Anonymous once again
Mutation: Breathability
Warning: Violence and Death

     "Victor!" I begged, eyes watering. "Don't do this, God, please!" My head spun, making it difficult to stay standing. He'd flipped on me, going back to the same man he'd come from.

     His devilish grin only widened. "Sorry sweetheart, but work comes first, and you know how I'd hate to disappoint Mags..." Of course he was speaking of Magneto, not that I cared. Fine! He was a grown man, he could do whatever he wanted! It hurt that I'd been so insignificant that he had the nerve to just up and go with a parting present- knowledge that dangerous things would soon be on my back, chasing me until they finally killed me. "Besides, a quick death now prevents a lotta pain for you later."

     For the first time, I finally noticed the edge to his voice. That little thing that had always been there but I'd never paid heed before. He wasn't really like that, he couldn't be. "Just let me go. I won't say anything. You don't have to do this..."

     "See, that's where you're wrong. He has a mutant tracker, and I'm not gonna get caught on his bad side," he responded with a snarl, slowly backing me into the nearest wall. His claws came up to gently caress my face and as they trailed over my skin, they came dangerously close to my throat.

     "Victor...?" I whimpered, knowing without my gun I was defenseless. "God, please just let me go..." He ignored my pleading and continued his sick game of toying with his prey. "I know you don't want this... I know this isn't you..." Again nails ghosted my throat, goosebumps following in their wake. Breath caught in my throat, I froze before letting out a quiet breath.

     So finally he had to choose between me and work. I wasn't necessarily surprised by his choice, but it did leave a harsh bruise on my heart. Through the years, I had continuously put him first and this is how it returned to me. "Not me? It looks like me, don't it? Sounds like me. But it isn't... me?"

     I shuddered at his words, shaking my head desperately. "No... This isn't what you really want, is it? It might make some bastard proud of you, but is this what... What you want?" His smile he'd kept up vanished and for a second I could see the Victor I loved. A split second of indecision, just a hint of remorse. I knew it ran deeper than it appeared, not just anything could make him pause, even think. 

     His brows furrowed as his face again hardened. "Of course this is what I want," he insisted, but the crack in his voice said otherwise. "I don't do anything I don't wanna." It was complete horse shit, and he knew it too. 

     "No, it isn't. I know it isn't. Ya know why?" his face twisted into concealed anger, blue eyes filling with hate. I was going to dig myself down a hole that would possibly get me injured, even killed, but he needed to hear the words, and if that was what it took for him to realize, so be it. "Because the man I fell in love with wasn't ruthless. Protective, yeah, territorial sometimes, but never ruthless. You aren't a killing machine. You act like it, act like you're all tough, but deep down? You're-"

     I was cut off by a pained gasp as his hand gripped my throat. My airway was closing. "I"m what, sweetheart?" he practically challenged me. I gripped at his much stronger and more calloused hands.

     "-sensitive," I choked out before it tightened again. I had to continue. For him. "You. Are the most-" I yelped when his fist contacted my stomach. "Sensitive- amazing- sweet-" each word was bringing me closer to my death, but no matter. It'd be worth it. "Gullibly loyal man I've ever met, and I can't imagine you of all people actually wanting to kill me." With the next hit, everything went black a moment. I kept going. "As much as you think you're a monster, as long as you think you deserve this... You don't." I prepared my final words as his grip tightened and his fist pulled back for a final hit.

     "I love you, Victor Creed."

     He froze a second more before roaring and bringing my last image of him to my eyes. Angry, scared, and hurt. I felt bones breaking, and I could hear them. the vague feeling of being dropped to the ground came over me and my gone eyesight told me he'd done it. Maybe he'd be able to see the truth himself. A pair of strong arms hefted my limp body closer to theirs and I know he'd be mourning. I wished I could repeat the last phrase, but my senses were all but gone. 

     I love you, Victor Creed.

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