Kurt Wagner- Keep Running Part 3

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     Kurt climbed trees as he thought to himself. Did she come from them? Hydra? He puzzled quietly, grabbing a pear before teleporting back to the treehouse. Setting down the fruits he'd gathered, he went over to ____ to see if there were any changes. It had been almost three days, and she still slept.
     Surprisingly, she was moving a bit. Suddenly shooting up and ramming Kurt's head with hers, they both winced.
     He pulled up and laughed lightly. "Sorry." ____ giggled and repeated the sentence. "Are you hungry? I picked some fruit for you." ____ smiled and nodded. Kurt handed her an apple and she gladly took it, biting into it with as much speed as possible.
     Kurt's suspicion was confirmed and he smiled softly, remembering the feeling. He himself took one and bit into it. After she finished, (which didn't take long at all) she sighed and leaned back against the wall. "Zank you," she rushed out. "I haven't eaten in..." She frowned. "I don't know..."
     Kurt sighed. "I know ze feeling." ____ looked up at him, puzzled. "I-I vas zere as vell. I know vhat zey did." She nodded slowly.
     "I'm sorry," They both mumbled at the same time. Kurt made eye contact with ____ and she smiled softly, blushing.
      "How long vas I out?" She asked.
     "Three days." ____ sighed and nodded. "Are you feeling better at all?" Kurt asked gently.
      "Yes," ____ smiled. "Zank you so much. If you don't mind me asking, vhy are you still here? You escaped, no?"
     "I vanted to help ozers zat may have escaped." Kurt shrugged sadly. "Zey are all dead now, I believe."
     "I think so," she agreed solemnly. "It vas very quiet zis morning. Zere vas no one. Do you know vhy?"
     "Vell," Kurt started. "I sink ze mutants in zere revolted amd killed ze scientists." ____ nodded, remembering the bodies she had stepped over. "Zey escaped, but ze soldiers zat had you caught zem and killed zem." He shuddered, thinking about it. "I don't know if zere is anyvone left."
     ____ took it all in silently. She looked down. "So... You're saying I'm ze only vone who escaped?"
     "I zink so." He sat next to her. "I'm sorry." ____ let a tear roll down her cheek. Kurt hugged her gently, and soon she was crying quietly. "You are safe now. It is okay," he whispered.
     ____ slowly stopped. "Zank you. Really." He smiled tenderly.
     "Pleasure is all mine," He said, releasing her. "How did you end up zere?"
     Shuddering, ____ started. "I am from America. My family vas killed by zem. I vas eight zen." She paused long enough to take a deep breath. "I sink ze worst part vas my brozer, Martin lived through ze fire zey set on our house."
     "Vhat's so bad about zat?"
     "Zey killed him ze next day. And I had to vatch. Zat's vhen I escaped. I vent on ze run, until zey got me a year later. Now zat I've escaped again, I don't know vhat I'll do."
     Kurt sighed. "I'm sorry you vent through zat. But guess vhat? I heard zere is a group of mutants in ze United States. Zey fight for justice. Vould you vant to join zem? I'll stay vis you." ____ brightened and nodded.
     "Yes, zat sounds vonderful! You mean it?" Kurt nodded and his fuzzy tail flicked back and forth happily. "Zen I vill go vis you."
     He smiled. "Zank you, ____." She nodded. "Of course, you are ze first friend I've had in years."

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