Gambit- Betrayal

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Mutation: Summoning of the nearest animals (usually dangerous ones lol) and dominance over them.

     ____ perched on the edge of the roof. Looking out over the city she surveyed the busy streets and the heedless adults. Children ran around like little imps. Yet here she herself was. Being and eight year old in the guild wasn't an easy task. Sure, she made her keep; she could squeeze in tight spaces and bait adults to give her money and food. But something was bothering her. She didn't know what, or why for that matter. All she knew was she missed Remy.

     Her best friend and partner in crime. He was always there, whether she was thankful at the time or not. She shivered under the bright sun. He was gone. Went out on a mission and never came back. Of course that'd happen. After her mommy and daddy died, she was alone. And now her best friend was dead too. At least that's what the guild told her.


     Panting, ____ came to a stop. That night, freedom enveloped her thoughts. Finally! Escape from the guild. For the first time since she was 8, she slept peacefully.

     She woke up to a teen about her age. At first she jumped back with a yelp, she noticed his auburn hair and... Black and red eyes. Her eyes widened. "Remy?"

     He nodded. "I found you, Chèrie." She shook her head. "This has to be some cruel dream." A shake from the boy's head told her otherwise. "You died! Nine damned years ago! This doesn't make sense," she mumbled the last part.

     "Dat's what dey told me too." The Remy look-alike insisted. Although she didn't quite believe it, she basically tackled him in a hug. After falling on the ground, he laughed. "Nice to see you too. I missed you."

     After a minute, ____ pulled back. "Wait... How did you find me?" The smile dropped from his face. He hugged me tightly once more before standing up.

     "I-" He paused a minute. "I was sent to come get you. I wasn't supposed t' say anything. I didn't want to, but..."

     She glared at him and stood. "How could you? I can't even go a day without hoping you're here, and you're ready to turn me in for money? What- what happened to you? I thought we would've been there for each other!" Remy choked on his words. "Why would you betray me?" ____'s voice cracked. She let out a sob.

     "I'm sorry. I have to." He swallowed. She blinked back tears.

     "Then I know where I stand." She saw hesitation before Remy pulled out playing cards. "What? You gonna beat me in some sick round of poker or are you a mutant?" His eyes darted down to the ground. She nodded, eyes void of emotion. She rose her fingers slightly from her side, making a wave motion. Hearing growling, she turned. Various animals stood there, mostly pertaining to wolves. Her head turned slightly and a small frown showed. "Well, Rem. You get what you want. A fight."

     He sighed, standing straight again. "Please. Come wit' me." The cards dropped and he held out his hand. ____ couldn't hold it in anymore. She started laughing. It was just some sick joke. Her life, and most of all, Remy. He stepped forward, falling on his knees in front of her. "I'm sorry I have t' do this." A glowing marble came from his pocket. He tossed it up, and the world slowed as it exploded.

     _____ felt a sharp pain, then black. Yelps were heard, and her senses turned off. Remy had long been limp along with a few wolves. ____'s motionless body laid in the charred grass next to a tree.


     An X-men communicator was handed to ____. She'd proven she could be a valuable asset to the team, and was now meeting everyone. She looked around the room, eyes landing at a big blue man. He offered his hand. "My name is Hank, but everyone calls me Beast."

     She shook it gently. "I'm _____," then mentally slapped herself. They'd established this at least two minutes ago. "Sorry..." He chuckled. The others introduced themselves as Storm, Rogue, Cyclops, Wolverine, etc. etc..

     When she'd just shaken Jean Grey's hand, the last one, the door slid open. "Everyone can relax, Gambit has returned." A sarcastic voice filled the air and ____ froze. She'd know that voice anywhere. His black and red eyes confirmed her suspicion and he did a double take. "...____?"

     "Remy." The cold reply came. "Didn't know you'd associate yourself with people who don't betray friends." Her voice rose slightly as the sentence progressed. "Or try to kill them for that matter." Her mouth dry, she glared.

     "You- You lived!" He smiled, then frowned, then looked down confused. While ____ had many emotions running through her mind, she reigned it in and kept a stony face. The other X-men looked at each other. Suddenly and uncharacteristically finding Remy down at her feet, he begged. "I'm so sorry! I wish I could've told you why! I thought you died, I mean..." He quieted. "...And you hate me now. God, ____, I'm sorry."

     ____'s eyes were watering. She crouched in front of him. "I don't hate you. I don't think I ever could. Why would you though?"

     He replied shakily. "They threatened to kill Belladonna." Your eyebrow quirked, knowing EXACTLY who that was. "I know, I know. Dumb."

     She sighed, responding, "even though it was pretty dumb defending that swamp witch, I think I can manage to get over it." Remy looked up and squeezed _____. She laughed, hugging back just as tight. Quite confused, the others had left a good ten minutes ago. The two looked around and laughed lightly. "I missed you."

     "I missed you too, Rem."

A/N: Also, I felt bad so double upload... Yay!

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