DOFP Quicksilver- Klepto Part 2

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     ____ had walked to the Maximoff dwelling. Standing in front of the house, she made sure her wings were securely hidden and walked forward to the door. Knocking on it firmly, she stood and reached in her coat for her identity card. The door swung open to a tired-looking woman, whose disheveled bathrobe hid a small girl. Her eyes widened. "Peter!" she yelled. "Cops are here!"

     "I assure you ma'am, I am by no means a cop. On the contrary, I am an agent of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.. May I speak to your son?" She nodded and rolled her eyes.

     "He's not coming out. You gotta go in. Sorry." ____ shrugged nonchalantly and stepped in.

     "Down the stairs, dear."

     "Thank you."

     She jogged down the stairs to a tv, Pac-man machine, and the same silver-haired boy. He had goggles on his head and a black Pink Floyd t-shirt. He looked her up and down. "Hello, ____ ____. He smirked. "Shouldn't a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent dress all fancy?" He wolf-whistled behind her.

     She turned calmly and asked, "So. I assume you are the convenience store thief?" He nodded and was across the room playing pac-man. She sighed and turned again. He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes. "So klepto, you wanna job?"

     "Depends," he lifted her chin cheekily and went to eat a twinkie. "Is it fun?" He handed her one. "Dangerous?" He was playing ping-pong with himself.

     "Romantic?" He wiggled his eyebrows, now in front of her.

     She scoffed. "Depends." He smirked as he kept flitting about the room, doing random things. "It's paid. Gives you a house if you need one. And yes, dangerous."

     He raised his eyebrows. "Ah, but what about romantic?"

     "If you make it. You aren't one for romance. What's the deal?"

     "You, short stack," Peter responded bluntly. "You're cute as a button."

     "You've got no right to flirt with me, Maximoff." ____ responded, just as blunt.

     He neared her, "Well why not?"

     "You haven't accepted the job yet," ____ smirked as Peter sent her a cheeky grin.

     "Then I definitely accept." She rolled her eyes.

     "Okay great. You staying here or are you going to run to the next city to work every day?" ____ asked curtly.

     "Oh, I suppose I can go with you," he winked from across the room.

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