"Echo! Stop texting and finish the work!"
"I'm almost done! And hey, I thought you were the one planting!" she angrily whispers, arguing while on her phone. Rolling her eyes, she set her phone down. Grabbing another micro sized bug, she set it in the crevice of the door frame. "There! Last one. Can we-" Echo stops talking mid sentence, seeing the familiar head of hair staring at what looks like a friendly blond. She clasps a hand over her mouth, trying to muffle the laughter spilling from her mouth.
"What are you laughing at?" He comes up from behind, peeking over Echo's shoulder. His brows were furrowed in confusion, black bag hunched over his back. "Their stupid party? Come on, a kid's birthday party is more fun than this!" he argues. Once seeing how bad Echo was at containing her laughter, he clamps her mouth shut.
Echo couldn't stop giggling. Instead, she swallows hard, trying to die down her laughter. "MmmH!" she lets out one final giggle before ripping his hand off her mouth. "Next time ya do that, I'll bite your hand," she warns, earning a nod.
"Bite all you want, just finish your work," he tugs on her arm, bring her back to their tiny set up. There was a computer plugged into a box that had a red light glowing on it. "How many- someone's coming!" he hurriedly grabs the computer and box, firing something from his wrist. It shot out webs, like spiders. It sticks to the ceiling without effort. He reaches out for Echo, activating something on her wrist. They both go flying towards the ceiling, turning invisible. A cloaking device. Something Echo must've made.
A minute passes by in complete silence. A pair of footsteps grows louder and louder. It was a pair of people, seemingly having had to much champagne.
Another minute goes by and the two drop from the ceiling. Echo checks the computer, grinning the Cheshire cat. She unplugs everything, packing it back into the black bag he'd brought with him. "It's done!" she quietly sings, closing her laptop.
"Finally," he heaves a sigh of relief. It soon vanishes when now their obstacle is getting out of a security wired house. "Let's go." Taking charge, the ninja their way out of the house, sneaking themselves onto the balcony.
"Wait!" Echo suddenly exclaims, halting him to a skiddish stop. She whips out her phone, fingers flying across the screen as she rapidly typed something.
He looks at her with a confused expression, he frantically looks around. "What! We don't have time!"
"OKAY! I'm done!" Echo tosses her phone into her pocket, taking a quick look over her shoulder. "Heh, this'll be fun."

Mixed Messages ~ {d.w}
أدب الهواةMixed Messages: Could you fall in love with someone you've met before? Never seen, never touched, never heard, never felt? Most people think it's impossible, but it isn't. And Damian's about to learn just how easy falling for a stranger is. After a...