➵Forty Four

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"We meet again," she grins. A look of pure vile and sickening expression. She was beautiful but I know she's hiding some ugly demons. "Do you miss your old life, Alice?"

I couldn't focus on what she was saying. All I could focus on was the bomb. The ticking, bomb. The bomb that would blow up in 10 minutes. All of a sudden, my hands are pinned behind my back and the gun is taken from my hands.

"Sorry, Echo," I hear someone say. That's probably Vader, one of Matilda's many... friends. "Friends" because I have no idea if she's slept with them or not. And that's something I do not need to know or find out.

"You plan to blow me up with a bomb?" I ask, ignoring the fact that I'm being tied up. 9: 54 seconds....

Matilda laughs, "I heard it's quite a painful way to go." She gives me another evil grin. Matilda sure do loves causing everyone pain. Even her "husband." I hope I don't have to explain why the quotation marks.

"No...." I mumble. Before I could struggle, Vader kicks my legs out from under me. I hit the floor, my head colliding with the concrete. I felt dizzy and weak, like I couldn't move anymore. I felt myself being turned around. Vader was beating me up. His fist collides with my face, my stomach, anywhere he could hit. I cough up blood, spitting it out. My lip was bleeding and I think a few of my ribs were fractured. I lay on the ground, the ache in my bones setting in.

"Ahaha!" I hear Matilda laugh. That's all I heard before the room went a little hazy. I try to push myself up but Vader's hand slams my head back down. My head collides with the concrete once more, the ringing in my ears getting louder and louder.

I heard them leave the warehouse. Leave me alone in the dark. I'd never felt so vulnerable before.

Darkness surrounds me until it's all that I can see. There's only a few sources of light coming in from the windows. My eyes lazily look around. My sight's blurry and my body feels heavy. The only thing I wanted to do was lay here. My eyes open and close, my head rests and I'm about to fall into a deep slumber.

No. I couldn't. I had a bomb to defuse.

With a burst of strength, my arms moved, lifting the rest of my body up with them. Somehow, I make it my feet. I wobble the first few steps over to the bomb. It's ticking down at what seems like a mile a minute. 8 minutes and 21 seconds left till I would be blown up. Hastily, I see a box. No, a brief case. Vader.... he must have left it here.

I shake my head and push away the pain. I slide next to the bomb, opening the case as soon as I got my hands on it. I was right. There was a computer in here. I could deactivate the bomb. I pull out the walkie-talkie I had. I used the cord from the computer to connect them.

I open the programming, firing away. My fingers type faster than they've ever typed before. The light on the walkie-talkie goes green. I hear static coming from it.

"H-Hello? Who is this?" I knew that voice.

I didn't have to sigh of relief. I unplug the walkie-talkie and plus hook the bomb up to the computer. I scan the wires and the digits. Everything on that bomb could determine my life.

"Damian, it's me...."

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