Chapter 24 - Sounds Like Fun

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Long AF Author's Note
(you can totally skip this if you want)

Hola! It's been quite a while since I logged into Wattpad, and with that, I'd like to apologize. It's been so long since I updated this story. I've read the comments and seen the votes and whatnot. You've all been very considerate, cheering me on and telling me to take my time with updating.

Sadly, I became very complacent with updating my stories here after I got busy with college. I'm in my third year now. I remember being so excited when I finally got into my first year and people were very supportive.

I'd like to thank the readers who've been here since chapter one and still continue to read this, and to those who are new to this story.

I started this story and want to commit to it, so I swore to myself to update this story at least two to three times a week. I'll do my best, I promise!

Anyways, enjoy the rest of the story!

ALSO It's (or was, depending on when I'm able to upload this) is Tsukki's birthday! HBD BABY BOIII!

Ok ok onto the story.


Shimizu's POV

"What?!" I yelled onto the phone as I received the news. "Which hospital is she staying in and who's with her?"

"Calm down for a bit," Daichi said. "Tsukishima's with her, along with his brother. I'll send you the address. Her coach is on his way as well."

"Alright, I'm on my way," I told him. I hung up and received the address of the hospital Aki was in.

"Shimizu-san!" Hinata said as he saw me in the hospital lobby. "We were waiting for you to get here. Tanaka-san and Noya-san are up in her room as well."

"What happened to her?" I asked as I signed in as a visitor. We walked up to her room.

"I'm not sure, I just got here a couple of minutes ago," he answered. "All I know is that her leg started hurting last night in her sleep."

"You mean the one shit hit on the pole?"


We opened the door to the room she was staying in and saw her on the bed with her leg, covered in bandages and hanging on a sling to elevate it. Aki saw us and blushed.

"Why is everyone coming to visit?" She asked, letting out a small laugh.

"Of course we'd all come!" Yachi said. She was standing by her side, along with Tsukishima. His brother was seated on the couch in the room, along with Tanaka and Nishinoya. Daichi was on the other couch with Aki's coach.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"The doctor says she cracked the posterior of her knee," Tsukishima said. "And she thought the pain was just from the bruise, but it got worse last night."

"She's been treated," her coach said. Suddenly, Aki started crying.

"Is it hurting again?" I asked, sitting beside her and holding her hand.

"It's not that," she sniffled. "The treatment was pretty pricey, I'm not sure how I'm going to pay for the entire cost."

Everyone suddenly looked down. We knew she wasn't exactly financially stable or anything and she doesn't have any assigned guardian to pay for it either.

"We got it covered," someone suddenly said. We all looked at the person standing by the door while her coach suddenly started laughing.

"So you finally made a decision," he said with a wide smile. "Congratulations, Akira. You just got yourself a sponsor."


Akira's POV

"What's going on?" I asked as Suzuko-san walked into the room.

"Who is she?" Tsukishima asked.

"She's a sports manager who approached me yesterday after my first match," I told him.

"My name is Suzuko Ina and I work as a manager for Fundamentals Co.," she introduced herself to everyone then turned to me. "How's your leg feeling?"

"It hurts but it's much better than it was a while ago," I told her.

"So you're here to recruit Aki-chan?" Yachi asked Suzuko-san and she nodded.

"Everyone loves you, Aki!" She said to me. "Your games were breathtaking to watch and you did so well! And I won't forget to mention that heroic act you did in your last game. The press just wants to eat you up!"

"They want to eat her?" Hinata asked but Suzuko-san continued.

"My company wants to take you in. Though it might seem sketchy for you right now since you're new to the sports scene, but there's a lot of perks to joining us at Fundamentals. The most important thing that might peak your interest right now is insurance."

My heart dropped.

"Insurance?" I repeated and she nodded happily.

"We can cover your medical fees in case something happens to you during your journey as an athlete! Most schools can't really support their students in this way that's why some big timers go for agencies like ours to have some security."

"Hold on a minute," Shimizu interrupted. "Aki, this is a big deal. Make sure you know the ins and outs of this."

"But the insurance could be very helpful for her right now," Yachi said worriedly.

I was at a loss for words. I had no idea what to do in this situation. Everything's happening so fast, my leg is in pain, someone wants to recruit me, and honestly I just want something to eat right now but...

"Contract," I said. "I'd like to read the terms of joining your agency before I make a decision."

"I got that covered," Suzuko-san said, taking out an envelope from her bag and handing it to me. "I can give you a brief run through of how things work as well, but why don't we order some lunch before we get to that?"

Oh thank god.


Tsukishima's POV

We ordered noodles from a nearby shop and while we ate in the room Aki stayed in, Suzuko-san was talking about the terms of their would-be partnership.

Aki was listening intently, taking it all in, while her coach simply smiled in the corner as if he knew what the outcome of this would be.

"You'll be getting offers by brands to advertise their products. That's one of the biggest aspects of being a sponsor. You'll be representing them during your games by wearing their merch or using their products on camera. You're basically giving them exposure while getting paid for it."

"What else do I have to do?"

"Well, becoming a crowd pleaser is one thing. You could do commercials, interviews, and fan meetings, assuming your fan base grows which I'm sure it will. Oh, you'll also be paid for every game you and your team plays. You don't really need to win but you earn more when you do."

"Sounds too good to be true," I mentioned. "Any cons?"

"It's going to be stressful. A lot of work goes into it at first since we'll be building up your image, but after that, things go smoothly. It's a win-win situation," Suzuko answered. "The brands get their exposure, the athletes get paid, and our company gets a percentage of it. What usually ruins a partnership is if the athletes do something to seriously mess up their image that will make companies want to drop them, but in the high school scene, that rarely happens."

Akira was reading the contract like her life depended on it.

"I think it's a good deal," Daichi said. "Akira's a great player and I'm sure the people will love her."

"What do you think, Short Stuff?" I asked her. She just finished reading the contract. She let out a sigh and smiled.

"Sounds like it'll be fun." 

Short Stuff [HAIKYUU: Tsukishima Kei x OC Fanfic] [Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now