Chapter 8

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Dean's POV

"Castiel, get your feathery ass down here to resurrect my dead girlfriend." I said. Sam and I heard flapping wings and Cas appeared.

"Can you get her from the pit?" I asked him.

"Ah, yes. Raising Mia from Hell. Dean, I... Can't." Castiel looked at the ground.

"What do you mean 'can't'? You did with Dean!" Sam threw his hands up in the air.

"Azazel is more careful now. He put up angel proofing spells where he put her. I cannot get her." He said in a monotone voice.

"She's stuck. We can't get her." Sam said out loud. It was exactly what I was thinking. And probably what Cas was thinking, if he was thinking at all.

Castiel's angel wing flapped again and he disappeared. My legs felt like they were going to give out so I sit on my bed.

"She's stuck," I whispered quietly."She's stuck, Sammy and we need to get her. But how?"

"Did she sat anything to you before she..." Sam trailed off.

"No. Just that she loved me and you... and to check the glovebox." I said, standing up. I walked-jogged out to my car. I opened the passengers door and the glovebox. The usual phones were there, along with a piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it.

'Sam and Dean,

I think my time is running out quicker then it is. That I don't have the full year I was promised. But if you're reading this, I'm dead and told you to look for it. Anyway, this is my goodbye note, if I don't get the chance to.

'Dean. I can't put in words to what you mean to me. You and Sam. I love you, Dean. And I know that you love me, too. Promise me one thing, look after Sammy. Not that I think he will get into trouble, which in your presence is impossible not to, but from the things that we hunt. He'll be strong if you are. I know that much. He looks up to you, tries to be just like you. Please promise me that.

'Sam. You mean so much to me. Like an older brother, even though you're just a few months older. I'll miss you. And promise me something, don't run away to college. I know you're the brains of the group when I'm not there and I know college means a lot to you. But if you leave, you will be leaving Dean alone and the monsters will find you. They'll kill you and your friends. Don't leave Dean alone. Just promise me that.

'I'll miss you both. And if Cas can't get me from the pit, don't sell your souls. If you do, when I get back, I will kick your asses into tomorrow. And please, don't get Alex or Anna into this life. Please. They're going to end up like me. Family comes first, you know. That's what my dad always said.


"Sam, read this." I told him when I walked into the room. I extended the letter and Sam took it. He read in quickly and stood up.

"Dean..." Sam gave me back the paper,"We can get her out. Something will help us."

"Ok. Who will help us?"


"But Cas said that they angel proofed."

"Just where she is. If we can find an angel willing to take us down there, we can go find her and the angel can just zap is back up."

"Good plan. Bad thing is, it won't work." A man said behind me. I turn around. Balthazar.

"Why not?"

"Because there are hundreds of demons. You will get yourself killed in minutes."

"You got any bright ideas, Angel boy?" I said sarcastically.

"A few."

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