Chapter 22

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Dean's POV

I took another swig of my beer. Sam was asleep on the motel bed, tossing and turning. The case in Tennessee was begining to grow tiresome. One couple died, their heats ripped out of their chest. We researched, no werewolf. I called Bobby, and he thinks its a skin walker. Still, no dice.

I flipped the page of a book, used for research, and found something. 'A Mâncător Inima, or Heart Eater, is a Romanian executor from the middle ages. It would remove the prisoners heart, and devour it within its lair. A Mâncător Inima is five feet tall, hairy, with red crosses in the pupil of its eyes.' I skimmed the page for information to kill it. Near the bottom, I found it. 'A Romanian Mâncător Inima can only be killed by a white oak stake under a full moon, when the moon is full and bright. Otherwise, it isn't dead.'

I set the book onto my bed and got up, walking over to where Sam was sleeping. I shake him awake. He groans and rolls away from my touch. "Sam, I've found something." I said, my voice laced with impatience. He groaned again and sat up slowly, rubbing one eye.

"Yeah?" He muttered. His hand dropped, giving me his full attention.

I turned and grabbed the book off of my bed. "A Mâncător Inima. Get this, is a Romanian executor from the middle ages. It would remove the heart of the prisoner and eat it." I paused, as I lost my place,"It is apparently five feet tall, hairy, with red crosses in the pupil of its eyes. And, obviously, it changed from the dear old days."

Sam, deep in thought muttered something too low for me to hear. He raised his voice a little louder. "Does it say in there a way to kill it?"

"A full moon. With a white oak stake. Naturally." I said sarcastically. Sam sighed. He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose, as if trying to stop a headache.

He moved his fingers away. "Well, the full moon is tomorrow night. Where are we gonna find white oak?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Dude, I don't know, you're the geeky research boy. Get to it." I said. Sam started to protest, but I held up my hand and continued,"Man, I found out about the thing, you get to research how to kill it. We both contribute to this. Now get, Sherlock. I need my four hours." I put the book on his bed and walked back to mine, flopping down on it.

Loud rapping against our door made me sit up. I gave Sam a side- glance before grabbing the demon knife on the table besides our beds. I walked slowly towards the door as more knocking was heard. I opened the door.

A man was at the door. Tall, roughly 27 with messy black hair and blue eyes."My name is Issac. I don't know if Amelia- Mia as you called her- told you of me. I work with-" He said. I cut him off by attacking him with the knife. He grabbed the weaponed hand and stopped me from finishing,"Woah, man. I didn't come to attack you; I came to help you stop Amelia. I created this down in Hell, and I want to destroy it. She's gotten too powerful, forgetting any humanity left. She needs to be stopped. Trust me, don't trust me, but we want the same thing."

Sam spoke up before I did, saying my thoughts. "Why are you here? Why risk helping her ememy? You could get killed on both sides."

Issac murmured something quietly, but I caught it, unlike Sam. "No one mourns the wicked. I want to right my wrongs, starting with her." He looked down, then at Sam and spoke up,"Truth is, I'm past saving. I know how my story ends. Its at the edge of a blade, or the barrel of a gun. So, the question is, is it going to be today? And can I help fixing my mistakes?"

Neither Sam nor I said anything, just thinking it over. I gave Sam a 'how would we tell if he's telling the truth?' and he nodded. I backed away from Issac, my knife dropping lower from his neck but not out of sight. "Prove it."

Issac let out a small sigh."She sent me out to search for a spell to summon a hellhound. I found the spell almost immediately, but I came to you guys instead of going back to her."

"Sam?" I said sharply. We both walked away from our demonic helper to discuss,"Dude, no. We both know what happens. You, with Ruby. Me, with her. Now him? No."

Sam looked at me with weary eyes. "Dean, this may be our only chance. If this Issac dude could help... It isn't an option not to." The look in his eyes made my heart break. He knows what this means, and what it means to me. He's going through what I have to. It it wrecked him.

"Its not an option, Sam. We can't trust him, he could very well go running back to Amelia and expose our plan." I snapped back. Sam sighed, as did I. I ran my fingers through my hair, sticking it up in the front. He gave me his look and I caved, like I always do,"Fine."

We walk back to the demon, our minds set. Issac looked at us, a look of anxiety written on his features. "Okay." Sam said.

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