Chapter 14

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Mia's POV

Dean and Sam were stuck in their car, somewhere on the road. I refused to ride in the car, as I could be there in less then a second. I walked around inside a diner before asking for where a phone book is. Dispite today's tactic, cell phones, they had one. I quickly flip to the 'Hotels' section and saw that The Red Rooms was the first hotel listed.

I disappeared quickly after flipping the phone book closed. I only reappeared a few streets to the left. I didn't feel like walking. I checked us in with the name we use if we're separated, and walk to the room.

The room lived up to its name, I could tell. Literally everything was red; the walls, floors, bedspread, furniture, ect.

I walk over to a bed and lay down. Why didn't Cas help me? Where even is he? Does he only come when Dean calls him? I thought. The door flew open and I saw the smiling face of Azazel himself.

"What?" I muttered, getting off of the bed. He walks over to me and stops.

"You got the Winchester boys to trust you again, didn't you?" He asked, but didn't wait for an answer,"I want you to get the boys to trust you fully, then I will stir up trouble. They've trusted you before, just pretend that you're the old Mia, not the new one. Make sure they are there, and you will be rewarded greatly. I have trust in you to complete the job. You still have your memories, yes?" He asked. I nod, claiming that I still remember everything,"Good. I will check on you from time to time, and I will not be let down." He ordered me before leaving, the door standing wide open is the only sign that he was there at all.

I grinned widely, as I just received a direct order from a very powerful demon and is prepared to fulfill it.


Sam and Dean walked in the room, maybe three and a half hours later, and dropped their duffel bags on the ground in front of their bed. Dean took the one that I was laying on earlier, so Sam got the one closest to the door.

"What'd I miss?" I asked with a smirk. Dean looked slightly pale, probably from Hell dreams. Sam looked neutral, as he always hid his emotions well.

"Driving. You know, next time, when we're driving to a case, you have to come, too." Dean muttered, turning around to face me.

"Why? It's boring and-" I cut myself off, Azazels words came back to me,"Fine. I'll do it." I frown and cross my arms.

Dean looked at me and smiled,"You're adorable."

"Do you mean this body is adorable, or I am? That's two different things."

Dean looks back at Sam, then back at me. He shrugged and smirked. "Both. Your meat suit is hot. Plus she's British. Sammy has a thing for British women, don't ya, Sammy."

Sam didn't say anything as he grabbed his laptop out of the bag. He wasn't facing me but if he was, I would have seen him roll his eyes. "Get your head out of the gutter, Dean. We have work to do, if you forgot," Sam said, turning around, laptop in his hands. He walks over to the desk and sits down. The hands are flying over the keys, hitting the right ones in the right order,"'Missing women, police suspect serial killer in the making.' Sounds like about a hundred different things. Ghosts, shifters, demons." Sam looked over at me.

"No. It's not me. I got outta Hell at the same time Dean did, since I was the one to spring him out."

"Right. Like you would remember anything before Hell. You and any other demon."

"Dean, I was in Hell for four years. But I remember life before, unlike most demons. Once you're in Hell, you only remember Hell. Old memories slip away, like trying to keep water in your hand forever. But anyway, I still can remember what we had." I said, eyeing Dean up and down. He smirked and winked. Sam, on the other hand, didn't look amused.

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