Chapter 19

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Dean's POV

I woke up with Irene in my arms, asleep still. She has her eyelids closed tightly, and she twitched every so often. She's having a nightmare. "No... no, Amelia. Please, don't." She murmured, her hand jerked again on my bare chest. I sighed and moved my other arm, shaking her lightly. She moved her head slightly and opened her eyes. They widened a little before she remembered last night, and then she calmed down.

"You okay?" I asked her. She nodded and kissed my cold lips slowly, her hand on the side of my face.

She stopped and rested her head on my chest. "I'm fine, Dean. It's just... oh, you don't care. Not really." Irene sighed. She shifted a little at my side, to make it more comfortable for her and me.

I moved my hand, playing with her blond hair. "That's not true." I said to her, still playing her her hair. I've found that its a calming mechanism that most dudes overlook,"Whats wrong?"

Irene paused and didnt speak. She looked up into my eyes, reading my look of sincerity. She glanced at my neck before she said anything. "A woman named Amelia has been plaugeing my dreams for a few months now, trying to get me to fight in an 'upcoming war' she called it. She said either I help her or she'll kill my little brother, but he's all I have left, Dean. I can't loose him too. And she said that she has plans for me and..." She hesitated, then laughs,"I just have an overactive imagination, and Amelia isn't real."

I stopped me messing with her hair and moved my hand down her back, resting it around the middle ."What does this Amelia look like?" I ask. Mia could easily have been Amelia. But Amelia is a common name, is it truly my Amelia?

Irene though for a few short seconds before she muttered something. "She has this... light brown hair with a little orange and red, bangs, and... you'll never believe this. Amelia has black eyes."

Black Eyes? Demon entering someone elses dreams sounds almost like... "Don't worry, Irene. Its just a nightmare, nothing bad can happen." I murmured against her head, then kissed the top of her head,"There's no such thing as monsters." Azazel.

She made a small 'hmm' noise as I looked at impalas radio clock. It read 12:37. "Do you want me to take you somewhere?" I asked, looking back at Irene, who nodded. She slowly got dressed again, as I did. I got out of the backseat, fully dressed, my old leather jacket on again. Irene stayed in the back as I turned the key and drove away.


I walked into Bobby's house after taking home Irene, both my brother and father-like figure asleep. I go to the unoccupied red couch and rested my head on the armrest. What could Sam and Bobby have been hiding from me? Is my Mia's reall name Amelia? If so, why is she stalking Irene? My head was spinning with questions and I did the only thing I could think of to silence them: I fell sleep.

I was in a small grey building, not unlike the one I heard my Mia being tortured. I looked around, no one was there. I glanced behind me but saw Mia, in the exact description Irene gave me. "Amelia." I said, my voice rough and low.

She nodded, grinning. "What gave me away? The similarities of the dream-like state Azazel would send his 'children' into to talk to them? My nickname?" She asked, curiosity laced in her voice.

"Both." I muttered to her, still confused about Bobby and Sam. She seemed to read my expression.

"Aww, Dean. Whats wrong? Couldn't figure out what Sam was hiding? Couldn't find me?" She said slowly, as of talking to a child. This made me angry.

"What the hell are you talking about, you little bi-" I started, but she cut me off.

My Mia laughed. "Calm down, tiger. There's nothing you can do. Not to me, to my war, to Irene. Truth is, Dean. I'm coming and there's no one here to stop me." Mia's eyes flashed black again, her demonic eyes coming out to play.

"How do you know about that? About her?" I ask, a look of bewilderment plastered on my face.

Mia shrugged, blinking once to clear her eyes of their natural color."I visit her every night that she sleeps, I knew she had slept with a dude around the small town near Sioux Falls. I put two and two together and knew that the mystery dude was you. Wasn't that hard." She looked away from me towards her left and tilted her head, as if she was listening to something. She looked back at me,"Sorry, sweet cheeks, gotta go." She faded in and out until she disappeared, along with my sleep.


I opened my eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight from the curtains. I sat up and went to the kitchen to find Sam up, a beer in his hands, still in the same clothes as yesterday."Sammy?" I mutter in his direction, making him turn,"Dude, I know that you lied to me about Mia. What didn't you tell me?"

Sam didn't say anything at first, but took a swig of beer. "She left us a... note you could say in the yard, saying how there's gonna be a..." He trailed off, looking at the table.

"Gonna be a what, Sam. I deserve to know, goddamn it." I said, getting closer to him and raised my voice louder How hard is it for them to tell the truth?

"A war, Dean. A war against her and us. Theres nothing we can do to stop it. Theres almost nothing we can do to win it, she knows us too well. We're gonna die, Dean."

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