Chapter 20

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Mia's POV

"Irene." I said in a sing-songy kind of voice. Her head snapped towards me. Fear was obvious in her eyes,"You know what I can do, Irene."

Irene shut her eyes tightly, but answered."If I help you, will my brother be okay? You won't hurt him?"

"Yes. No demon of mine will harm a hair on his head. Honest." I say, putting up my hands in a mock unarmed pose. She sighed, thinking it over.

"I'll do it." She murmured at last. My lips burst out into a grin. At last; my complete army.

"Awesome, darling. I will come for you when I need you." I said, a smirk on my face as I raised my hand,"Oh, and tell anyone of this, and you're brother will live long enough to taste how chewy his intestines really are." I snap my fingers.


I appeared in a convent, the only place that I could do this spell. Its the place closest to the cage, which is closest to the lowest part of Hell. I walk the halls, getting to the last layer when someone stops me. "Lady, you can't be here." A security guard warned me.

"Watch me." I muttered as I snapped his neck. I was on the right level before he even fell to the ground. I grabbed my ankle knife and cut the inside of my palm open. I let my blood drip onto the floor of St. Mary's Convent in Ilchester, Maryland, the only place to do this spell,"Accedite coram me, cecidit Daemon. Ego sum hic ad redimam te de circulo inferni novissima. Accedite coram me, cecidit Daemon. Scio nomen tuum, et vocem tibi. Ad vos clamito, Ruby.(Come before me, fallen demon. I will redeem thee of of the lowest circle of Hell, I am here at last. Come before me, fallen demon. I know thy name and call to thee. I call to you, Ruby)" My blood on the floor in a circle now, not unlike the door to Lusifer's cage. It slowly opened up, as black smoke escaped. I smiled,"Now, Ruby. Lets get you a meatsuit." We disappeared.


We came across a small 5'4 ginger with blue eyes sitting on a step that overlooked a bridge, writing in a notebook. The black smoke jammed its way down her throat, flicking her eyes black. Ruby sighed."Its good to be back."

I smirked, blinking my eyes to their true color."You're welcome."

"Ah, yes. My knight in shining armor. Literally." Ruby rolled her eyes and hid her eyes, as I did. She got up off of the step, the notebook falling helplessly to the ground,"I heard some things, down in the pit. You're planning a war against the Winchesters, you now have an army, and you are getting ready. Whats your plan?"

"I know everything about the Winchesters, I've hunted with them for more than a year. I'm gonna attack them head on. I may change the plan up a little, but thats how I will win. I have to get one more demon, then we can take them on." I walk onto the bridge, past Ruby and stops. She smiles and walks towards me.

"Lets go reek some havoc." She saids, snapping her fingers and we disappear once again.


We come around at a bar. "You go inside." I tell her,"I have to make a call , then I'll meet you." I said. She walks in, towards the bartender. I walk around the back and grab my knife. I recut the mark in my palm, letting the blood drip down onto the gravel. I muttered lowly a spell to summon a specific demon; Issac.

The wind picked up, blowing my hair across my face. Someine placed a hair on my arm, turning me around. A tall man, about 27 with ruffled black hair and blue eyes held me close. "Mia?" He called, his voice low and concerned. He blinked once, his black eyes shown, and blinked to blue again.

"Issac. I trust that you would help me?"

"I will, but Mia... this is what you became? A knight? Who...?" Issac trailed off. For a demon, he's kind of a wimp.

I smirked. "Who I killed? Take your pick." I walked off, Issac trailing behind me, into the bar. I vaguely saw Ruby in a dark corner, drinking with someone. I stroll towards the bartender and order a shot of whiskey. Issac eyes me strangely before getting a beer.

"What are you deciding to do, Mia?" Issac whispered in my ear. I shifted away from him with a smile on my face.

"Really, Issac? You expect me to tell you my plan to win my war in the middle of a shady bar? What do you peg me as?" I said, my eyes growing darker but not shifted,"I'm gonna find someone, sleep with them and kill them. I suggest you do the same. Its the best way to get the brothers on our trail."

"The Winchesters? You know that they're not a couple of stupid boys following their father anymore, right? The Winchesters have changed since the time you were with them, all those years ago. They've lost thy light behind their eyes, making them the scariest hunters to hit this green earth. How can you possibly win?" Issac grabbed his beer and took a swig, his eyes never leaving mine. I drink my whiskey, and slam the shot glass down onto the bar.

"I know them too well." I mutter in his eyes, fully aware of the demons eyes on us. I'm not afraid of them; I'm not afraid of anyone, anything. Thats what makes me dangerous.

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