The mall

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A/N: Annabella is played by Victoria Justice, and Camden is played by Ryan Sheckler :D


I'm not mad at you, nor were you the reason I didn't answer my phone, alot of things have just been going on, but I'm getting away from it all today with Windle, so I'll be all better soon.

As I stared at my phone, rereading her message again and again, I had a million questions going through my head, but the most common were all about WIndle. Who the heck was Windle? Why was he the one to be able to help her? Who is he? Is he someone special to her? I don't remember a Windle at when I met her, so who is he? As the questions kept racing through my mind, I started getting angrier and angrier. She is mine. I want her, and no one else should have her. I started squeezing my phone tighter and tighter, and before I could break it, I threw my phone across the room, where it landed on my bed. I need to find out who this Windle guy is. and I need to find out now. I quickly grab my jacket and my phone and yell out to my mom, "Mom! I'm leaving, and I don't know when I'll be back!" "Oh shut up Camden, you know I don't care!" Right.. Why do I even try... I walk out of my house and text Anna "cool. where are you headed today?" That's not to suspicious, right? Oh well.. I head out to my truck and wait for her to text me back. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait that long.

"Just random places, but most likely to the mall, since Windle needs shoes. Maybe to the movies there too."

Movie? With a dude? This can't happen. Thank god there's only one mall near here, but it's two towns over... I start up my truck and head over to the mall. I have to make sure nothing happens.

As I sit in the mall's parking lot, I think about what I'm actually doing. I've known this girl for not even a week, and I'm already trying to claim her. Should I even try? I'm that kid who's never without a lighter or my pack of cigarettes, I'm the guy most people stay away from because they don't want to deal with someone who causes problems. But Annabella... she's perfect. I mean, day-um! That body? And that face? She's not like all the other girls though, her face is actually natural. No makeup or anything. I want her, heck, I need her to be mine. I gotta have her, and I don't care what it takes.


Finally, after 2 bus rides, Windle and I hop off the bus, and head towards the mall entrance. "Why can't you just get a car like everyone else?", he asked me, once again. "You know the answer to that Windle, we just can't afford it.", I told him. He sighs, as we walk into the mall. "What do you want to look for or do bud?" I asked him as we walked mindlessly past stores. "What do you think? Food!" I laugh, I should have known his answer, it's the same as mine. What? He is my brother after all. We head straight to the food court, walking around twice getting free samples trying to decide on what to eat. Finally we come to the conclusion of Subway, no real shocker there, it is both of our favorite place to eat. We sit quietly, eating our food, with the occasional comment or joke in between. Before we know it, all the food is gone, and we are just sitting there talking. Because of how busy I am with school, it's hard for me to be able to talk and hang out with my brother as much as I like, after all, he is all I have left. But too soon, the topic I have been avoicing comes up. "Anna, what happened between you and.... you know?" Of course I knew, how could I forget. But I wasn't going to lie to him, he deserved to know the truth.  "Well, where do I start?"  He looked at me with a straight face as he told me, "From the very beginning." And that's exactly what I did. 

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