Chapter 1

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Troye’s POV:

I pull the door open to see who is outside and I am shocked to see a very messed up Tyler. He looked rough and smelled pitiful. He was in one of my shirts, had no shoes on, his hair was a big mess, and his eyes where bloodshot, possibly from crying. 

“W-what...” I’m cut off from his lips meeting mine. I was in so much shock that I had no chance to kiss back, because he pulled away in a matter of seconds. His eyes looked desperate and full of anger. I hear Zoella asking who is there, but I lose her voice when Tyler’s fist connects with my face.

“Tyler!” I choke out while spitting blood out of my mouth. As I finish his name he punches again and connects with my nose. I crumple to the ground holding my bleeding and possibly broken nose. Tyler pulls his leg back and connects with my side. 

“P-please... S-stop...” I squick out as Tyler continues to punch and kick me. I do not fight back because (a) I couldn’t, literally I couldn’t fight well and (b) I couldn’t punch Tyler or hurt him. He is not stopping and blackness is surrounding me. But, I hold my fetal position and just cry to myself. I hear the door open behind me and Zoella screams at the sight she was seeing. The only thought I could form was why? I don’t know how long I laid there and endured the pain of my best friend and my crush beat the shit out of me.

Tyler’s POV:

I kissed him and now regretted it. That one kiss has ruined our friendship and it doesn’t help that I decided to take my pain out on him. I try telling myself to stop but I can’t. It is not till Zoella screams that I realize what I had done. My hands were swollen and red with Troye’s blood. I can’t look at him... I can’t. But, I do. He lays on the ground in a fetal position, his blood surrounds him and his face is already bruising. Zoella stands in shock at the doorway but rushes towards Troye when I stop. Not knowing what to do, I run away.

“Troye... I’m um s-sorry,” I say as I walk away from my crying crush. What had gotten into me? 

“What the fuck Tyler? That was not supposed to happen and defiantly not the way to handle the situation! Shit.” I just realized all of my stuff is at Troye’s house and have nothing but my phone on me. Lucky me that they have a back door that is near Troye’s room. I need to give it some time before I go back to his house and break in to get my stuff. I then realize I am lost. Literally, I am lost. Who walks out of a house into a place they have never been before and not think about how to get back? I have no idea what to do or where to go.

Troye’s POV:

My body hurts and Zoella has finely got my nose to stop bleeding. She just holds me now and lets me cry. We stay like this for a long time until I hear the door bell ring and I shudder with what happened last time it rang. She releases me to go answer the door. I sit there staring at the tv crying, trying to hear what Zoella and the visitor is saying. Just based on the voice I can tell it is not Tyler, it probably is Alfie.

“He did what?” I hear the visitor say after Zoella quickly explains what happened between Tyler and me an hour ago.

“Come on...” Zoella says as she leads the visitor into the living room, who turns out to be Alfie. He awkwardly hugs me and sits on the other side of me. 

“Troye... I know this may be difficult, but what happened last night between you two?” Zoella ask me timidly.

I sigh before answering, “Tyler and I was at a party and kinda got drunk. Somehow we made it back to my house and ended up kissing. Then we may have...” Both Zoella and Alfie exchange quick glances at each other and nod in understanding. Zoella leans over and holds me in a hug.

“It will be okay,” Alfie says reassuringly.

“No it w-won’t, T-tyler will do something to h-himself. W-we need to find him or s-something...” I couldn’t finish the sentence at the thought of Tyler trying to commit suicide again. A sob escapes my lips as Alfie steps away to call someone, I hope he is trying to call Tyler.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading, voting, or commenting. These next couple of chapters are going to be rough and hard to write and read. So please just stick with me, it will get better!

Follow me on twitter - @shipperfection 

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