Chapter 30

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Ricky's POV:
I close my eyes to try and stop the tears, but they won't stop. All I see is him and can hear the fans crying. I watch Connor's goodbye video.

"Hey you guys! Y'all may not know but I'm one of those people that believe in writing down their final goodbyes. Thing is I don't like writing, so I thought I would video this. I really hope the guys are just going through my stuff again... If not, your watching this cause I'm gone." Connor pauses for a moment pulling himself together. He holds the tears in that are forming in his eyes.

"There are other videos specifically for certain people on the flash drive, but this video is mostly for the fans. Where do I start? You guys are so amazing and spectacular and supportive and perfect. I love each and every one of you so much. I just want y'all to know that y'all are the reason I smile, no if this video is showing it would have been smiled," A single tear falls down his face, even though he is smiling.

"And everyday y'all amaze me on what y'all can do. I don't want y'all to ever give up on your dreams and goals. I will always support y'all and be there for you. Even if I'm gone... I'll be up there watching over y'all. Stay frantastic and remember to be nice to everyone, even your biggest enemy." He pauses trying to collect his thoughts and takes a drink of water.

"I also want to thank everyone of my friends. I love you and you are so amazingly talented it is crazy. Zoe you are adorable, beautiful, and will make a great mother one day, don't worry." I hear Zoe behind me stiffle a sob.

"Alfie don't mess things up with Zoe cause she is the one," Alife holds Zoe and looks at her with so much love.

"Caspar and Joe I've got that secret of yours, try to find a way to tell others." Everyone backstage kinda looks at them and they just stand their awkwardly looking at each other.

"The rest of the British crew you are great friends and I want you to keep making videos. Troye... I love you and thank you for having my secrets. Anytime I needed someone to talk to you were there and I can't put into words how much I care about you. Please keep singing! And the fans won't get this, but you're one of my happy little pills." Troye breaks down and crumples to the ground in tears. I don't move to comfort him, I see the Smosh guys helping him up. Who knew Connor's death would bring us all closer.

"Tyler! Keeping slaying and don't be afraid to tell that certain someone you love them." Tyler remands on stage, but turns his back to the audience as he starts crying. Hannah rubs his back trying to comfort him.

"Um, the rest of the American crew I love you so stinking much and y'all have made my life a happier one. There should be another video for the British crew, American crew, Troye, and Tyler all getting a little more personal..." He pauses and smiles a little.

"I'm not going to say my goodbyes for my family and brothers aka O2L boys on here because they are too personal." I sigh, worried at what he would say to us in his goodbyes. All I know is that it will most likely break my heart even more.

"To wrap this up I just wanted to say I love and thank you everyone so much! Sooooooo this is it, just remember that I'll miss you more than you miss me." He covers the lends with his hands and it is over.

We all walk off the stage bawling like babies. Soon as we make it off the stage we are wrapped in a huge YouTube community hug and I feel safe for the first time since his death.

I'm going to miss him so much...

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