Chapter 18

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Alfie’s POV:

I’m so thankful to be the one driving, because it is a huge distraction. I don’t want to think about it... I don’t want to be the strong one right now. I’ve yet to break down, because I’m always the one supporting others, which is not so bad if you think about it. Everything I do or say is a type of distraction from reality. To be truthful, reality sucked and in this moment I wish this was all some story and that when I closed the book everything would be back to normal. But, we all know that is not true... I wish it was though. The only sound in the car is of Tyler’s crying, which is getting quieter thanks to Troye’s support. Poor Troye, he was having to practically take care of Tyler when he was scared to death he was going to beat the shit out of him again and then leave him. In the passenger’s seat, Zoe just stares out the window and is in her own little world... That is her distraction, like Tyler is Troye’s distraction, driving is my distraction, and Tyler is yet to grasp a distraction. Couple of minutes later I park the car behind Ricky’s car in the driveway. The O2L boys had already gotten out of the car and were awkwardly waiting on us. Tyler and Troye got out first and Zoe was still in la-la land.

“Zoe... We have to go inside,” I tell her, trying to be calm and supportive. She quickly nods her head and gets out of the car. I ungracefully get out and follow her towards the rest of the group. We all just stand in a circle, no one makes a move for the door. 

“Um, I guess we should go inside...” Trevor says and we all just nod our heads in agreement. We follow Trevor inside the house and it is not as dirty as I thought it was going to be. 

“Come on, I’ll show you around,” Kian says to Zoe, Troye, Tyler, and me. We go to the kitchen and go to the left side of the house.

“There are three bedrooms, this one is mine and I’m sharing it with Sam right now. The next one is JC’s room and the last one is where two of you can stay.”

“I guess we will take it, thanks,” I answer for Zoe and me.

“Okay,” Kian says and walks back to the kitchen, through the dining room, and up a flight of stairs where three more bedrooms are.

“This one is Ricky’s room, the next was... his,” Kian gets a little chocked up but continues to talk, “and the last one is empty. So Troye and Tyler can stay there.”

“Okay, thanks for letting us stay,” Troye says as he hugs Kian.

“No problem, let’s head back down stairs where the rest of the group is.” 

“Where does Trevor sleep?” Zoe asks as we are going down the stairs.

“For some odd reason he prefers to sleep on the couch, to me a bed is much more comfortable. But, he is weird.”

“Okay, I was just wondering if you guys forced him to sleep on the floor or something.”

“No, we aren’t that mean.” Kian tells Zoe as we walk into the living room where the rest of the group is. Kian sits with JC, Sam, and Trevor on the couch. Ricky is one of the recliners and Troye sits with him, leaving Tyler to sit in the other recliner. Zoe and I sit on the love-seat, then it becomes an awkward silence in the room.

Sam’s POV:

This house feels wrong now... I guess eventually it will get better, but for now it is like this prison full of memories I can’t escape. I almost hate this house as much as Tyler, but eventually I’ll be ready to move on and forgive him. I can’t do it yet... Even if I tried. The awkward silence is unbearable so I speak up.

“How do we tell them?” Everyone looks at me confused, “I mean the fandom.” 

“I don’t know... Do we even tell them?” JC asks.

“They deserve to hear it from us, but we need a plan to control them and keep them from storming the funeral home.” Troye says.

“So how do we tell them? The whole truth or parts of the truth?” Kian says.

“We are all youtubers so we make a video to post on everyone’s channel.” I say.

“Okay... I guess that will work. What do we tell them?” Trevor says.

“The whole truth...” Tylers says without looking up.

“Are you sure? You know what might happen...” I say.

“Tyler you don’t have to tell them, it was an accident and don’t feel pressured to have to do this...” Zoe says trying to convince Tyler to change his mind.

“They will eventually find out and that would make them mad at all of you, so just tell them the truth... It was an accident,” Tyler says.

“Okay, I think I have a plan for them to be involved with the funeral process without getting in the way.” Ricky says, which shocks all of us because he was being so quite and isolated lately.

“Tell us then,” Trevor says to encourage Ricky to speak.

“What if we got them to line the street from the funeral home to the graveyard’s road and/or entrance?” Ricky says.

“That sounds good... We should ask them to wear something of Connor’s merch or maroon or gray colored.” I say.

“And they could make signs, but we have to explain to them that they need to give us privacy and be very calm and respect our wishes.” Troye says.

“Sounds good... let’s go get changed into some other outfits before filming the video. Meet back in here in about twenty minutes?” Kian asks. We all just get up and go to our rooms. Ricky, Troye, and Tyler head up stairs. Trevor goes to the bathroom to change since he wants to sleep in the living room on the couch. Zoe and Alfie go into their room, JC goes to his, and I follow Kian into his. It doesn’t take me long to find a decent shirt and throw it on. I glance in the mirror, fixing my hair before I left.

“I’ll go set up the camera,” I tell Kian as I grab the door handle.

“Give me a second and I’ll come with you,” he says as he checks his hair. When he is done we both leave the room and grab the equipment. The last thing I really want to do right now is make a video...

Author’s Note:

I’M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! It’s just I’m super busy balancing two jobs and a summer program I’m in for another week. Also, my internet is being sketchy and doesn’t want to work half the time. Next chapter is going to be a tear jerker, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to post it... Sorry. Just stick with me for one more week and I should be back to posting regularly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This chapter is dedicated to Itmetroyler for literally voting for every chapter and commenting! Thanks!:)

Love you guys so much! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

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My YouTube Channel Name - Kara Kalina Alyssa ADED

So this chapter we talked about the death plan, how to tell the fans, what to do, what not to do, blah, blah, blah..... Bye!

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