New Manager

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A/N: Boa is not a pedophile. She just really likes Luffy.

Boa stepped out from behind the counter and went and approached him. Shanks noticed that him and her must've been really good friends. As they then started to head to Doflamingo's office. Shanks got up brushing himself off before getting to his station. Vergo perked up to Shanks looking around for something.

"Redhair, what are you doing?" Vergo huffed.

Shanks turned to him, "Oh, who was that guy that walked in? The guy with hawkeyes?"

"Oh, Mihawk? He's a manager we transferred here since Corazon up and quit. He came from the city of Kuraigana. Then was sent here cause we don't have a clothing mananger anymore. I just hope him and Law don't get into any trouble."

"Awe Law went with him? Man Luffy would of had fun playing with him."

"Law, isn't the playful type. Unless you want to be missing your kidney's and a toe."

Shanks furrowed, "How do you know that?"

"Get to your station."

He huffed then headed to his security station. He slumped into his chair and logged onto his computer. Then the security cameras turned on, Shanks glanced to the screens before seeing Mihawk walk out of Doflamingo's office. And headed his way. Shanks scrambled to look like he was doing his job. Before Doflamingo and Mihawk appeared to his desk.

"And this is Shanks. He's a riot." Doflamingo said.

Shanks glanced up to them and grinned. Mihawk was unimpressed. Shanks held out his hand to him.

"It's a pleasure." Shanks said.

"Shanks this is Mihawk your new manager."

Mihawk bluntly shook his hand before they walked off. Shanks sighed resting back in his chair before Boa walked up to him. She leaned against his desk with a warm smile. He looked up to her with a slight frown.

"Go after him. And I'll have you fired with a snap of my fingers."

"Then I'll be out of a job and Luffy would die."

She gave a soft gasp, "No. not my baby."

"Luffy isn't your son."

"I want a DNA test."

"We've never slept together. I know that for a fact."

She grunted, "Pervert."

"Wanna see a picture of Luffy when he was sleeping?!"

She gasped.

As the night was going by. Shanks watched from the security cameras of Mihawk helping some customers or doing some last minute calls. Shanks rested on his palm with a slight frown. Boa kept her eye on him from the jewelry counter glaring holes into his forehead. But Shanks just ignored her. Or glanced to her sticking out his tongue then turned back to the monitor. Then he would head an offended gasp from her. A clipboard was placed on the desk in front of Shanks having him perk up. Mihawk clicked a pen before handing it to him.

"Oh hello." Shanks grinned.

"Salutations." Mihawk grunted.

"How do you like it here?"

"It's quant. I'd like you to sign this."

Shanks signed the paper as Mihawk glanced to the paper he read it over before looking up to him.

"I hope to get to know you better." Shanks said.

He smirked to him before winking. Mihawk pursed his lips putting his pen back into his breast pocket.

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