Dinner Alone

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"I can't believe you said yes to him, that slimy yellow bellied-"


Boa frowned leaning over the jewelry case as Mihawk was finishing up her check out. Work was slow, so they were able to finish up earlier then expected. Shanks was setting up the night camera's as Boa was glaring at him.

"Knock it off." Mihawk huffed.

She turned to him, "I can't help it, Shanks is a playboy womanizer wolf!" Boa huffed.

"He treats me very well so you don't need to worry."

"I still won't hesitate to cut off his balls."

Mihawk rolled his eyes as he handed Boa the paperwork before she signed off and locked up the jewelry shop. Then huffed as Mihawk glanced up to Shanks pulling down the window to the security office. Boa walked out of work as Mihawk went to Shanks office. He pushed open the door and headed inside as Shanks was typing away at his computer. He turned to Mihawk and smirked.

"There he is." Shanks purred.

"Yes, here I am." Mihawk said.

Shanks got up kissing him softly, which soon grew heated as Mihawk was pressed to the door. Shanks knee was slipped between Mihawk's while Mihawk wrapped his arms around his neck. He pulled back when the computer beeped softly turning to it. He grunted before turning back to Mihawk.

"I'm almost done." Shanks said.

"I won't wait forever." Mihawk huffed.

Shanks chuckled hopping back into his seat before doing a little more work. Mihawk leaned over his chair watching him boot up the camera's for the inside and outside the building.

"Babe, you wanna go out to eat tonight? Just you and me?" Shanks asked.

"And who will watch the kids?" Mihawk asked.

"I know a few good babysitters, just tell them they're going to have a sleepover at my house. Then leave the rest to me."

Mihawk sighed, "Alright."

He stepped out of his office and pulled out his phone. He dialed the home phone number before pressing it to his ear. Mihawk waited as the phone rang softly in his ear then it was picked up.

"Put it on speaker I wanna hear too!" Perona whined.

"Shut up." Zoro barked.

Mihawk rolled his eyes crossing his arm over his chest.

"Hello papa!" they chimed.

"Hello children, I wanted to ask if you wanted to have a sleepover at Shanks house tonight."

They gasped, "Really?"

"Yeah, Shanks and I will be going on a little date by ourselves so you guys can keep Luffy company."

"Awesome! We will get ready! Love you see you soon bye!"

Then the line went dead. Mihawk blinked looking to his phone before to the door where Shanks stepped out. He grinned putting his phone in his pocket.

"So it's just you and me tonight huh babe?" Shanks hummed.

"I guess so." Mihawk hummed.

"Our baby sitter will meet us at the house."

Shanks took his hand as they headed out of the shop and locked it. Mihawk watched him set the code before taking his hand once more. Mihawk glanced to him then back to the street. Before Shanks pulled Mihawk into a nearby ally. He pinned him to a wall as he kissed him softly, Mihawk kissed back running his hands through his scarlet red hair then pulled back putting a finger to his lips.

"Enough." Mihawk huffed.

Shanks chuckled, "Sorry, can't help myself."

Mihawk pushed him out of the way before heading down the street. Shanks was soon to follow after him before Shanks headed to his house. While Mihawk headed over to his own to pick up his own kids. As he opened the door to the house his children darted down the stairs to their father holding backpacks. They smiled up at him with excitement gleaming in there eyes.

"One second I'd like to change." Mihawk said.

"OO pops! Can we help pick out your clothes?!" Perona asked.

"No. just stay here."

Mihawk headed upstairs to his room getting to his closet. He hummed to the low v neck button up. But then frowned sliding over to the next shirt. Where he decided to pick the less revealing outfit. Turning out into a blazer, white jeans, and a turtleneck. Mihawk then headed downstairs to his children frowning to his outfit of choice.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Zoro huffed.

"Language. And I'm testing something." Mihawk said.

"Dad go upstairs and change." Perona said.

"No, I'm wearing this and you can't stop m-"

Perona and Zoro sat before the door. Mihawk grumbled going upstairs and rubbed his temples. Which he ended up on picking a low button up and black jeans with a blazer. The kids agreed to this one. Mihawk sighed picking them up and locked his door before going over to Shanks house. Before he could even knock on the door the door opened to Luffy.

"Luffy!" they cried.

Then squirmed out of Mihawk's arms to the boy before they darted off inside. Mihawk blinked before heard Shanks talking to someone inside the house. He headed inside shutting the door behind him. He headed inside to a grown man with silver white hair and an unlit cigar between his lips. Shanks chuckled as he patted his head.

"I knew I could count on you Smoker." Shanks said, "I'll give you ten bucks so you can get yourself a nice little candy bar."

"I'm three years younger than you." Smoker said.

"Haha, sure you are."

Shanks turned to Mihawk and clapped his hands together, "Mihawk this is Smoker he will be watching over our kids and will do such a great job of it."

"Again. I'm three years younger than-"

Shanks pinched his cheek before patting it then went upstairs.

"You have a baby face." Mihawk said.

Smoker turned to him, "What?"

"You look like you're 15."

Smoker pursed his lips, as Shanks then headed down the stairs with his shirt open and blue jeans.

"Luffy behave and I'll take you to breakfast tomorrow." Shanks called.

"WAiWaiT!" luffy cried bouncing down the stairs.

Shanks turned to him and knelt down to his level, they both embraced before giving soft kisses.

"Don't get too drunk."

"Don't tell me what to do."

They laughed as they eskimo kissed and Luffy headed upstairs. Shanks turned to Mihawk watching him. He stood taking his hand before leading him to the door. Shanks and Mihawk began to head down to a small well known bar. Mihawk glanced to Shanks who smiled to him softly, before he looked up to the flickering neon light of the bar.

"This is the place." Shanks said.

"Oh how. Romantic."

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