Dinner Perhaps?

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"How about dinner, tomorrow night?" Mihawk asked, "You and your son?"

"Oh sure. We'd love to come. But. Luffy tends to eat people dry from there wallets. So. I'm not sure if you want us then." Shanks sighed.

"That's fine."

Luffy grinned as Shanks placed a hand to his head before ruffling his hair.

"Well I guess if it will make up for taking you home." Shanks said.

Mihawk hummed holding out his hand, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Shanks."

He chuckled taking Mihawk's hand and kissed his knuckle, "The pleasure was all mine."


Mihawk stepped into his home and shut the door. He sighed resting against the door running a hand through his hair. He glanced to the door, before turning to his children giggling softly sitting between the bars of the railing.

"Ooo! Daddy someone likes you." Perona said.

He chuckled, "And I have a couple of children who need to get to bed."

"You like him back don't you papa?" Zoro said.

"Hush. Don't get your old man's hopes up."

"He so does!"

They chuckled getting up and sprinted down the hall to their rooms. Mihawk grumbled following after them. Shanks stood outside clutching his fists as he stood on the doorstep. Luffy stood behind him before he took his hand. Shanks turned to him and gave a sheepish smile.

"Pops, you okay?" Luffy asked.

"Peachy." Shanks said.

"You, you're still standing at his doorstep."

Shanks turned to his door before back to Luffy, "You'd look at that. How about we go home and get some popcorn in the microwave and watch a movie? How does that sound?"

Luffy grinned and nodded, Shanks scooped him up wrapping him up in his coat before taking home. Mihawk peeked out the curtain watching them walk off and head to there home. He sighed stepping away from the window and sitting in his chair before picking up his book.

"Don't do it Mihawk, it's what he wants." Mihawk muttered to himself.

Luffy changed into his pajamas as Shanks popped some popcorn and poured two bags into two bowls. Luffy went through picking out a pirate movie and put it into the dvd player. Shanks soon stepped out with the bowl of popcorn and set it on the coffee table. Luffy sat on the couch and reclined back. Shanks headed upstairs to change out of his clothes and into his pajama pants before coming back downstairs.

"Hurry pops! It's starting!" Luffy called.

"I'm comin bud." Shanks chuckled.

He pulled out a couple of blankets and pulled Luffy into his lap. Luffy giggled as Shanks pulled a blanket around them before putting the popcorn bowl into his lap. Shanks reclined back as he began to play the movie. Luffy ate handful after handful of the popcorn until Shanks flicked his ear.

"Hey. Save some for me little pig." Shanks huffed.

"I'm not a pig!" Luffy huffed.

"You already ate half of the bowl and the movie isn't even playing yet."

Luffy pouted, Shanks chuckled picking up one and tossed it into his mouth. He turned to Luffy who had a surprised look on his face and his eyes gleamed. Then he tried, tossing back his head and tossed one up in the air. Shanks chomped it from the air before chewing it. Luffy frowned looking around for the popcorn before puffing his cheeks and looking up to Shanks.

"Hey don't make a mess." Shanks said.

Luffy tried again, tilting his head back and opened his mouth wider this time. He tossed back the popcorn as Shanks caught it and tossed it into his mouth. After a minute of it not coming into contact with his mouth he glanced around not seeing the popcorn. He pouted as Shanks tossed another one back and chewed on it. Luffy snapped to him knowing it was probably him trying to prank him.

"Don't look at me, you just have terrible aim." Shanks shrugged.

"You're mean." Luffy said sticking his tongue out at him.

Shanks chuckled embracing him before kissing his head. They then began to watch the movie, before. Shanks started to fall asleep. He rested in the palm of his hand as his head bobbed trying to stay awake with Luffy. But he lost to his heavy eyelids and soon fell asleep. Once the movie was over Luffy looked to Shanks who was asleep in the palm of his hand. Luffy smiled softly before turning off the tv and the dvd player. He then stepped up to Shanks and knocked his arm away. Shanks bobbed himself awake as Luffy stood sticking out his tongue.

"That's what you get for eating my popcorn you butt." Luffy said.

"You're such a brat." Shanks chuckled.

He yawned and stretched before he scooped up Luffy and took him upstairs.

"Pop?" Luffy whispered.

"Yeah?" Shanks hummed.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

He yawned, "Yeah, but make sure you go to the bathroom I don't want you to pee my bed again."

"That happened when I was five. But fine."

Shanks chuckled as they headed upstairs to the bathroom. Shanks brushed his teeth while Luffy went to the bathroom. Then washed his hands before brushing his teeth and they crawled in bed. Luffy curled up under Shanks arm and nuzzled into his chest.

"Pops, I've never seen you look at someone like that before. Do you like him? The man from across the street?"

"Hm? Oh, nah. I just was being nice and took him home. You never know where Benn and the others lurk."

"Pops, it's okay. I don't mind sharing you."

"Luffy, goodnight."

"Goodnight pops. I love you."

"I love you too."

It was quiet as Shanks tried to sleep. He knew Luffy was staring at him. With his big old eyes waiting for his answer.

"Maybe a little, now go to sleep."

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