Birthday Boy

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A/N: Warning Zosan Fluff  ;)

It's been a few months now and the most non stopped topic for the past two months now was.

"Dad! Dad! I know what I really want to do for my birthday!"

Zoro darted down the stairs to Shanks and Mihawk on the couch. They turned to Zoro darting into the kitchen before winding out and into the living room. He panted softly before sitting on the floor.

"Settle down sport, you still have a couple of days before your birthday." Shanks chuckled.

"I want to have a birthday party. Bring six friends." Zoro said.

He scattered his cards on the floor he pointed to the names on them before he hesitated on the last one.

"This one is for Sanji." Zoro muttered.

"Oh, you gonna invite your boyfriend?" Shanks chuckled.

"He's not. Not yet."

Shanks chuckled, "Well when are you going to give it to him?"

"I was gonna ask if you guys could."

"I don't think so sport, if you want to invite a cute boy to your party. You gotta give it to him yourself. Prove your manly. And brave."

Zoro blinked, "Brave?"

Shanks nodded, "Brave."

He grinned, "Can we go right now?"

"Zoro we just-"

Shanks interrupted, "Sure sport, I'll take you."

Mihawk turned to him furrowing, "What?" 

Zoro grinned darting off as Shanks got up stretching.

"He's a kid in love. I can't say no to that."

Mihawk sighed as Shanks and Zoro pulled on there jackets and shoes before heading off. Shanks held Zoro's hand as they headed down the street. Zoro looked up to Shanks cocking a brow.

"Why did you agree to come with me?" Zoro asked.

"Smart kid." Shanks chuckled, "I actually wanted to ask you something."

They stopped as Shanks knelt down to his level. Zoro cocked his head in confusion.

"Since you are the oldest, I'd want to ask your permission to. Marry your father." Shanks asked.

Zoro gasped before embracing him. Shanks blinked before embracing him back. He pulled back with a wide smile and bounced up and down.

"When?" He grinned.

"Eventually, I figured this might be one of the only times I have with you. So what do you say?"

"I give you my permission."

Shanks grinned as they embraced before heading to the Baratie.

Zoro stood outside holding the card. Shanks stood behind him as they watched Sanji go back in forth between tables then headed to the kitchen. Shanks knelt down to his level before patting him on the shoulder.

"Now. Go to him. When he's least expecting it." Shanks said.

He nodded before heading inside. Shanks chuckled standing outside. Zoro stood before the hosts desk then peaked around the desk looking into the main floor. Sanji walked by before stopping. He turned to Zoro and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" he grinned.

Sanji approached him putting his notepad behind his back.

'Be Brave.'

Zoro took a breath before handing him the card, "I'd like to invite you to my birthday party this friday."

Sanji smiled taking the card, "Really, me?"

Zoro nodded, "I'd really appreciate it if you could come."

Sanji turned to Zeff before heading over to him. Zoro waited in anticipation was Sanji talked to his old man. Who then agreed as they embraced and Sanji headed over to Zoro.

"I can go. I'll be there." Sanji said.

Zoro lit up before they embraced, he spun him around before setting him down. Sanji giggled softly before Zoro kissed him and then darted off out of the restaurant. Sanji pursed his lips before he giggled.

"That's my boy." Shanks cheered.

"Did you see me? Did you see how good I did dad?"

It was quiet as Zoro grew flushed. Shanks chuckled before ruffling his hair.

"You can call me dad, I don't mind."

"Okay. Dad."

As the day of Zoro's birthday arrived, Shanks and Mihawk got everything ready for his special day. Putting up birthday streamers, keeping Luffy away from the cake, and wrapping some presents. But as the time for the party to start was arriving. No one seemed to show up.

Zoro sat by the door resting on his palm. He frowned as Shanks sat next to him.

"Rough party huh?" Shanks sighed.


"Hey I know what will cheer you up, how about you open my gift."

Zoro perked up as Shanks pulled out a small envelope. Zoro opened it to find 20 bucks inside. He grinned as he turned to Shanks.

"Spend it on that first date." He winked.

"Awe thanks pop."

The doorbell rang having Zoro light up and get to the door. He opened the door to Sanji standing in a button up and some nice jeans. He held a small box and smiled to Zoro.

"Happy birthday." he grinned.

Shanks smiled resting on his palm, "Would you look at that."

Mihawk sat beside him as Sanji stepped inside. Zoro showed him around the house. Mihawk rested on Shanks shoulder as he sighed in relief.

"I would of been upset to see him upset, a broken heart, and being lonely on your birthday. What a way to turn ten."

"You know, I don't think this will be the last we see of that blonde haired boy." Shanks chuckled.

"I don't think so either."

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