Benn and Friends

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Mihawk grumbled to the weight that was thrown onto him. Then the second. He looked to his troublesome children giggling on his back. Mihawk sighed burying his face back into his pillow. But the children persisted to jump on his bed or his back.

"Alright, Alright. I'm up. I'm up." Mihawk grumbled.

They giggled jumping off his bed as Mihawk sat up to look at his troublesome children. They grinned but it soon faded as Perona's stomach growled. She frowned pulling down her shirt.

"I guess I should feed you." Mihawk hummed.

"I'm hungry too pops." Zoro said.

"Alright let's go see what we have." Mihawk said.

He stretched before getting up before heading downstairs. Following after the soft patter of his children's bare feet on the wood to porcelain tile. They stopped to the fridge throwing it open. Finding not much. Besides some milk, meat, cheese, yogurt with a few condiments. He hummed before shutting the fridge and went to the cupboard. With again not much. He sighed remembering going through the old pantry and getting rid of a lot of stuff.

"Well it looks like I'm going to have to go to the store. In the meantime, you guys can snack on some yogurt."

They grinned as Mihawk went to the fridge pulling out two of the containers of kids yogurt and ripped off the lid. He set them on the table before getting spoons. He turned to Zoro practically drinking it while Perona gave a disgusted look to him.

"Dad, Zoro's being disgusting again." Perona huffed.

"What! You can drink yogurt!"

"Yeah but it makes you look like a slob."

"Enough, can you two behave long enough for me to go to the store?" Mihawk barked.

They nodded as he handed them spoons. He sighed going upstairs to change into a white button up and black jeans. He pulled on his coat and slipped on his shoes. Mihawk grabbed his phone, wallet and keys then headed downstairs to his children finishing off there yogurt.

"Behave while I'm gone. If you need anything you call me, and if it's an emergency I'm sure you could ask Shanks across the street to help you." Mihawk said.

"Oooo." they both teased.

Mihawk frowned, "What?"

"You like him." Perona teased.

He rolled his eyes, "Just cause I invited him to go to dinner with us tonight does not mean I like him. I'm just treating him for taking me home."

"So, you and him, with you and the kids. Are going to dinner. All together." Zoro said.

"Like a date?"


They laughed as Mihawk headed out of the house, once he shut the door he turned to Shanks house. He furrowed seeing two bodies running by the window before Shanks tackled Luffy. Mihawk chuckled softly before he stopped himself. No. remember what Boa said, he just wants just a one night stand. He huffed heading down the street.

"I don't know Benn. Why is this one different? I've had girls who are hard to get but. He's different." Shanks asked.

Luffy squirmed under him as Shanks was on the phone. Leaning against the couch.

"Get your butt off me!" Luffy barked.

"No, this is what you get for taking my phone." Shanks chuckled.

"I wanted to play the meat game."

"Have you thought maybe, you want to be with him? Hm? Sure one night stands are great and all but. Shanks, you're thirty something. It's about time for you to start settling down. I think it's your heart telling you to settle." Benn said.

He sat on his balcony with his feet kicked up on the railing. His eyes kept to the early morning of the town. People slowly getting up and wandering. His eyes narrowed to a dark haired man walked down the street. Benn smirked leaning over the railing.

"What did he look like again?" Benn asked.

"He's someone you couldn't miss. Dark hair, liquid gold eyes, great ass. I mean Benn you gotta check it out. It's pretty nice."

"SHANKS IS IN LOVE!" Luffy cried.

"Luffy if you don't shut up I will sit on your head."


"Shanks meet me here in ten minutes. It's your time to be the everyday hero."

Then Benn hung up. He headed inside to Lucky Roo and Yassop. They perked up to him from playing darts.

"I think Shanks is settling for someone. Let's give him that extra push."

Mihawk looked to his list he had made a couple of days ago. Making sure he got everything. Which he wasn't watching where he was going and ran into a broad chest. He stepped back as Benn puffed a cloud of smoke from his lips.

"What's up small fry." Benn chuckled.

Mihawk rolled his eyes, "Yes yes, I am a little shorter than you."

"A little? You're the height of an arm rest. Besides what the hell are you wearing. Some kind of cape or something?"

"Please leave me alone."

Benn cupped his chin, "What are you going to do about it?"

"Whoa whoa Benn. Buddy ol pal."

They turned to Shanks stepping up to them. Getting between him and Mihawk. Benn winked to him as Shanks smirked.

"He's with me, Mihawk doesn't mean any harm. He just moved in and works with me. Lay off will ya?"

They chuckled as Mihawk blinked clutching onto his paper bag. Shanks then turned to him with a soft smile.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" Shanks asked.

"No, I'm fine." Mihawk said.

"See no harm no foul. Sorry little man, didn't know you were with Shanks. Why didn't you say so?"

"I didn't think it was relevant."

"Relevant? Of course, a friend of Shanks is a friend to anyone. If anyone gives you a hard time you let us know." Yassop said.

"We don't mind giving them a little lesson."

"Why don't you head on home, I'll see you tonight. It's a date."

He winked as Mihawk frowned and stepped away. Mihawk glanced back to find Shanks in a headlock as they all were laughing. He smiled softly clutching the bag closer to his chest.

"Maybe he's not so bad after all."

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