Red Lips

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From months, to years. This was the year things now settle into place. Zoro had just turned fourteen, and for his birthday. Shanks and Luffy decided to move in with them.

"Took you guys long enough to move in." Zoro chuckled. 

Luffy chuckled sitting on his bed on the other side of there room, "I had to do a little convincing."

"Yeah right." Shanks called.

They laughed. Zoro glanced around before propping himself up on his elbows.

"Hey you know when the old man is gonna, you know." Zoro asked.


"You know, pop the question?"

Luffy shrugged, "I don't know, I don't even know what that means."

"Ugh just nevermind."

"Zoro! Your boyfriend's here. Again!" Perona called.

Sanji stepped into the room and smiled to the rearrangements. Zoro grinned as Sanji took a seat on Luffy's ship bed.

"Aren't you kind of old for a boat bed?" Sanji asked.

"Aren't you kind of old to. To. be in here?" Luffy huffed.

"Good one luffy." Zoro chuckled.

Sanji laughed as he went and sat on Zoro's bed. Where they kissed softly before Sanji slumped back on his bed. Luffy headed downstairs, sliding down the railing of there stairs before hopping off before getting to the end. Mihawk stood in the doorway frowning to him. Luffy gave a cheesy grin knowing, he shouldn't be doing that.

"Luffy, I've told you time and time again. Don't do that, your going to break it." Mihawk huffed.

"Ah, come on pops. I'm just having a little fun." Luffy pouted.

"It's all fun and game before you hurt yourself."

Luffy went to him taking the small box with his name on it. While Mihawk headed across the street to Shanks place. The place was pretty bare besides the furniture Shanks was going to sell. Mihawk headed upstairs to Shanks sitting on his bed. Shanks was deep in thought as his eyes kept to his bed.

"What are you thinking about?" Mihawk asked.

Shanks perked up to him and smiled softly, "I've had my share of breaking in my bed. All but you."

"I'm not sleeping with you in that."

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a special kind of thing."

Mihawk hummed, "Well your the only man I've had slept in my bed."

Shanks smirked, "I guess that means I should break in your bed more."

"Break my bed you buy me a new one."

Shanks frowned, "Killjoy."

They perked up to Shanks phone buzzing, he reached over to a text message asking about the bed. Shanks grinned as he texted back before tossing his phone on the bed.

"I got someone interested in the bed." Shanks grinned.

"Good, now we don't have to worry about giving that std positive thing to the kids."

"Woah, woah, don't be mean."

Mihawk sighed as Shanks smirked getting up. Before getting over to him.

"Are you jealous?" Shanks purred.

"I am not. That bed is disgusting and belongs on the streets."

Shanks rumbled softly, "I think you are, cause otherwise you wouldn't care."

Mihawk frowned gripping Shanks chin, "Bug off."

Shanks smirked, "By the way, who was your first time?"

He pushed him away before heading downstairs. Shanks followed after before pinning Mihawk to the wall. He kissed him softly before pulling back and cupping his chin.

"It was me wasn't it?" Shanks purred.

"My sex life is private." Mihawk huffed.

Shanks grinned, "It was wasn't it?"


They turned to Zoro with a disgusted look shutting the door behind him. Shanks embraced Mihawk before batting his eyes to Zoro.

"I'm just having a little fun."

"He will bite you." Zoro said.

"Oo, kinky."

"Okay before you both get gross, Luffy and I are hungry. Perona is in her little vegetarian faze so. She wants a salad.  But Luffy and I want pizza."

"I guess I can go run to get pizza." Mihawk sighed.

Zoro gave a soft yes before leaving. Mihawk grumbled as shanks pulled back.

"I'll wait for the guy or gal to pick up the bed." Shanks said.

Mihawk glanced to him before furrowing. He grabbed his shirt and kissed him roughly. He soon pulled back before kissing down his neck. Shanks jolted to the teeth biting down on his neck. Shanks smirked as Mihawk pulled back only an inch away from his face. A threatening look in his eyes.


Then left without another word.

Shanks sat on the couch watching videos on his phone. Mostly little dogs in little shoes trying to get them off. They amused him the most. He'd hiss if he cocked his neck in a weird way. Then remembered Mihawk's mark. He perked up when the doorbell rang. Shanks grinned getting up and headed to the door. Once he opened the door his smile soon faded and frowned to the blonde haired woman on his doorstep. Her sapphire blue eyes burrowing into his emerald green.

"What are you doing here?" Shanks asked.

"I came for the bed."

Mihawk opened the front door to the pizza delivery boy before him. He pulled out the cash and handed it over to him. The boy thanked him as he handed over the pizza. Mihawk glanced behind him to Shanks house. He furrowed to the red car sitting outside and two figures talking in the living room. Before the smaller figure was backing who he assumed Shanks back before they weren't in the window. Mihawk cocked a brow before turning to Luffy and Zoro sitting at the table.

"Should we have one last meal at Shanks house?" He asked.

Perona frowned stepping into the dining room, "At that dump, no way."

Zoro and Luffy glanced to each other then back to Mihawk.


"Hey! That's no fair!"

All three of the boy's headed over to Shanks house. Luffy was the first to get to the door, Mihawk grabbed the back of his shirt pulling him away. Then headed inside. Where there eyes widened to to Shanks being pressed to the wall by lips and a hand tugging at his belt. His hands kept to the wall as his eyes glanced to Mihawk.

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